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1奥巴马:失业率有可能继续上升 President Obama says he expects the nations jobless rate, which is the highest it has been in 26 years, to get still worse before it gets better. 奥巴马总统说,他预计,美国的失业率在好转之前会继续恶化。目前的失业率是美国二十六年里最高的。 My expectation is that we will probably continue to see unemployment tick up for several months, 奥巴马说:“我的预期是,在今后的几个月里,我们可能会继续看到失业率上升。” Unemployment is 9.5 percent in the United States, and Mr. Obama says hiring is usually one of the last areas of a struggling economy to bounce back. 美国目前的失业率是9.5%,奥巴马说,在衰退中苦苦挣扎的经济,招聘通常是最后恢复的领域之一。 Even after you start moving into a recovery-positive growth-hiring typically lags for some time after that. That has been the historic norm, Mr. Obama said. 奥巴马说:“即使人们看到经济开始复苏,也就是经济进入正增长期,招聘的复苏仍然要滞后一段时间。从历史上看,这属于常态。” The president spoke in the Oval Office, after meeting with Dutch Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende. 奥巴马总统是在会晤荷兰首相扬?彼得?巴尔克嫩德(Jan Peter Balkenende)之后,在白宫椭圆形办公室说这番话的。 More than 2 million jobs have been lost since Congress passed Mr. Obamas $787 billion economic recovery act in February. 美国国会今年二月通过了奥巴马提出的7870亿美元经济复苏法案,从那时到现在,美国又损失了200多万个工作职位。 Still, the president says there are reasons for optimism. Among them are signs of stabilization in the U.S. financial markets. 尽管如此,奥巴马总统认为,我们仍然有理由乐观。这些理由包括,美国金融市场表现出稳定迹象。 That means that companies can borrow, and banks are starting to lend again. Small businesses that might have worried just a couple of months ago about closing doors, they are now able to get a little more financing, Mr. Obama said. That means they are less likely to lay off workers. 奥巴马说:“这意味着公司可以借钱,银行重新开始贷款。两三个月前还担心要倒闭的小企业,他们现在得以借到稍微多一点的资金。也就是说,这些小企业解雇员工的可能性减少了。” Other glimmers of economic hope appeared Tuesday. The Commerce Department says retail sales rose 0.6 percent in June, about twice what economists had expected. The increase appeared to be driven by a 1.8 percent spike in wholesale prices, largely due to higher energy prices. 必威体育精装版的经济数据也显示美国经济出现了更多的希望的曙光。商务部说,六月份美国零售额增长0.6%,几乎是经济学家预期增长率的两倍。零售额增长看来受到批发价格上


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