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高级英语期末复习之听写篇Unit 10 The Bluest Eye1、歪着头 tilt their heads2、窗玻璃 window pane窗台 window sill3、盆栽植物 potted plants4、尖声大叫 high-pitched noises/ shrill5、-rupt: bankrupt (adj.破产的;n.破产者) corrupt (adj.腐败的,贪污的;v.腐烂,堕落) interrupt (v.中断,打断;n.中断)6、violate(vt.违反;侵犯)——violable(adj.易受侵犯的;可违反的)7、清楚的发音 pronunciation/enunciation8、为了保持平衡,我牢牢地抓住扶手。 I clutch the handrail to restore balance/right myself.9、在家的时候,我一会儿感到无聊,一会儿感到幸福得不得了。Alternately pleased and bored at home.10、痛失爱子之后,养花和逗猫占据了他全部的情感。After he lost his beloved son, planting flowers and fondling cats engaged all his affections.11、很多大学生很羡慕他毕业以后想做什么就做什么的自由。Many college students coveted his freedom of doing whatever he wanted after graduation.12、他今天穿了一件红色大衣,在人群中很好辨认。It’s easy to identify him in packs because she wears a red coat today.13、他努力练好普通话,希望别人不要知道他来自农村。He tries hard to practiceMandarin well to avoid any suggestion of the fact that he comes from the countryside.14、由于社会的发展,尤其是物流的出现,农村和城市的差别越来越明显。While the development of society especially logistics, the line/distinctions between cities and countryside is eroding.15、他倒吸一口气,眼里露出一丝丝恐惧。He sucks in his breath, eyes steaks of fear.16、他眼睛都不眨一下,盯着我看。He stared at me, unblinking.Unit 8The Merely Very Good无法磨灭的记忆 indelible memory会议的暂定内容 tentative problem深刻的影响 profound effect一顿普通的饭 mediocre lunch著名的物理学家 distinguished physicist一张满是皱纹的脸 a sunwrinkled face 一个疯狂的想法 a lunatic idea 一个谜一样的人 an enigmatic person想到星期天早上要早起去工作,我就及其反感。The idea of my getting up to work before dawn on Sunday makes me repellent.你必须戒掉动不动就打断别人说话的坏习惯。You mustget rid of the bad habit of interrupting others abruptly.他无法阻挡辞掉现在收入颇丰的工作去做一名作家的想法。The idea of resigninga lucrative job and being a writer was irresistible to her.拜伦和雪莱都是非常奇怪的人,拜伦比雪莱活得久很多。Byron and Shelley were profoundly eccentric poets, and Byron outlived Shelley.我父亲把我的生活费削减了一半,这让我非常不开心。My father halved my allowance/life expenses, which makes me unhappy.14、求而不得让他很伤心。The failure of achieving the desired things saddened him very much.Unit 6 The Way to Rainy Moun


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