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一,英汉互译。1. stay within your budget____________________2. under the appropriate guidance of doctors _______________________________________ 3. believe in blind luck _____________________ 4. 听天由命___________________________5. award the Nobel Prize for medicine _____________________________6. 查看特价商品 ______________________ 7. 登录到一个系统 ___________________8. 收集资料 __________________ 9. a fraction of the homework ____________________10. 看看你自身形象_____________________ 11. 以----而更为著称 _________________________12. adjust well to growing old _________________________________ 13. do a week’s worth of grocery shopping__________________________ 14. 从一个过道到另一个过道 ____________________15. illegal immigrants ____________________ 16. it takes four years to do something_____________________________ 17. be born with confidence _____________________________________ 19. 穿行奔跑去沙漠间________________________________________ 20. 在生活中起着重要的作用__________________________________二,单项选择题。 21. ( ) She has a _________________ massage every week. That’s why she looks so young. A. statement B. facial C. attached D. decade 22. ( ) My luggage was ____________________ by eight kilos. A. appropriate B. expand C. overweight D. approach 23. ( ) In a _______________, the BBC admitted that it had given incorrect information. A. statement B. enjoyment C. invention D. pressure 24. ( ) Karen is rich; ________________, her cousin Kate is poor. A. therefore B. however C. otherwise D. moreover 25. ( ) Please _______________your reservations 48 hours in advance. A. confirm B. reduce C. expand D. check out 26. ( ) Getting a _______________ of her face, he knew that she was telling a lie. A. meeting B. production C. sense D. glimpse27. ( ) His present success has _________________ chance. It is mainly due to his hard work. A. something to do with B. anything to do with


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