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陆谷孙译文赏析三篇(1)人间尽秋Altogether Autumn?人间尽秋?陆谷孙 译?It’s time to plant the bulbs. But I put it off as long as possible because planting bulbs mean making space in borders which are still flowering. Pulling out all the annuals which nature has allowed to erupt in overpowering purple, orange and pink, a final cry of joy. That would almost be murder, and so I wait until the first night frost anaesthetizes all the flowers with a cold, a creaky crust that causes them to wither; a very gentle death. Now I wander through my garden indecisively, trying to hold on to the last days of late summer.?到了栽种球茎植物的时候了。我却是能拖则拖,因为栽种球茎得在园篱处腾出空间,而此时篱上仍开着朵朵鲜花。把一年生植物强行拔起,掐死造化恩赐的紫绛、橘黄和浅红这一片烂漫,阻断自然界的最后欢声,简直无异于谋杀。所以我要等待第一个霜降之夜,等待花瓣全部沾上一层冷冽的霜晶,蒙无知觉中自行凋零,和婉地寿终正寝。我在园中徜徉,拿不定主意,只求留住残夏的最后几天。?The trees are plump with leafy splendor. The birch is softly rustling gold, which is now fluttering down like an unending stream of confetti. Soon November will be approaching with its autumn storms and leaden clouds hanging above your head like soaking wet rags. Just let it stay like this, I think, gazing at the huge mysterious shadows the trees conjure up on the shining green meadows, the cows languidly flicking their tails. Everything breathes an air of stillness, the silence rent by the exuberant color of asters, dahlias, sunflowers and roses.?树叶犹盛,光鲜可人。白桦婆娑轻摇,一片片金色的叶子飘飘落地,有如一溜不绝如缕的庆典彩纸。11月行将降临,带来秋的凄风苦雨和铅灰色阴云,像浸水的抹布一样压在你的头顶。但愿眼下的好天气会持续下去,我这样想,一边注视着树木在绿油油的草地上投下的幢幢诡谲黑影,还有倦慵地甩动尾巴的牛群。一片静谧,惟有紫苑、大丽菊、向日葵和玫瑰的浓艳色彩似在撕裂四下的沉寂。?The mornings begin chilly. The evenings give you shivers and cold feet in bed. But in the middle of the day the sun breaks through, evaporating the mist on the grass, butterflies and wasps appear and cobwebs glisten against windows like silver lace. The harvest of a whole year’s hard work is on the trees and bushes; berries, beech mast, chestnuts, and acorns.?清晨时分,天气凛冽,到了夜晚,你打起了哆嗦,躺在床上双脚冰凉。但在正午时分,阳光拨开云层,将雾霭化作蒸气,在草地上升腾。蝴蝶和黄蜂开始出没,蛛网犹如丝带,挂在窗前闪出银光。树梢上和灌木丛里凝结了整整一年的辛劳,浆果、毛栗、板栗和橡实等着收获归仓。?Suddenly, I think of m


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