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北京林业大学2005--2006学年第一学期考试试卷(A)试卷名称:英语词汇学课程所在院系:外语学院考试班级:英语02级试卷说明:本次考试为开卷考试,可以查阅教材和词典,但不得违反考场纪律;本试卷共计2页,共6大部分,请勿漏答;考试时间为120分钟,请掌握好答题时间;答题之前,请将答题纸上的考试班级、学号、姓名填写清楚;本试卷所有试题答案写在答题纸上;写在本试卷上的答案不给分。答题完毕,请将答题纸正面向外对叠交回,不得带出考场;考试中心提示:请你遵守考场纪律,参与公平竞争!I. Give the origin of the following words. (10%) e.g. brother: Old Englishadministration: French1. long2. Cornwall 3. Derby4. parliament 5. enemy6. equal 7. criterion8. volcano 9. camel10. ketchup II. Analyze the formation of the following words. (20%) e.g. indifference: in- + differ + -enceastrology: astro- + -logy1. bloodthirsty2. bookmakers3. brainstorming4. fertilization5. honorably6. lazybones7. direct mailing8. northwesterly9. reappearance10. senatorialIII. Give two examples for each of the following affixes. (20%) e.g. dis-: disinterested, disobey1. bi-2. bio-3. mal-4. pre-5. tele-6. -able7. -ee8. -ize9. -less10. -mentIV. Identify the word-formation processes involved in the italicized words. (10%)e.g. Laura parties every Saturday night. parties: conversion (party n. party v.), inflection (-es)1. I bought a new mobile.2. Does your phone have a call forwarding function?3. Sally went to her dancercise class last night.4. You can surf the Internet with a modem.5. A screen saver helps to protect your monitor screen.V. What do the following abbreviations stand for? (10%) e.g. WWW: World Wide Web1. ATB2. CD-ROM3. CNN4. CPU5. FAO6. LCD7. NGO8. SAD9. VIP10. WTOVI. Answer the following questions. (30%, 15 points each)1. Use examples to show that morphological changes are often phonetically conditioned.2. In what ways are semantic fields and hyponymy related?2005-06学年第一学期英语词汇学试卷A卷答案I. Give the origin of the following words. (10%)答案:1. long: OE2. Cornwall: Celtic3. Derby: Scandinavian4. parliament:French5. enemy: French6. equal: Latin7. criterion: Greek8. volcano: Italian9. camel: Hebrew10. ketchup: Chinese评分方法:1. 每小题1分,回答正确给1分,回答错误不给分。2. 拼写出错不给分。II. Analyze the formation of the following words. (20%)答案:1. bloodthirsty: blood + thirst


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