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考研英语一作文黄金语料 考研英语名师 林健 首段语料 一.导入句语料 1. A fairly compelling cartoon//picture leaped off the page the minute/the moment//the instant I caught sight of this test paper. 2. The moment I caught a glimpse of this cartoon, mixed feelings well up in my heart for this phenomenon is getting so rampant currently that it has even permeated every inch of the society as a whole. 3.I almost jump right out of my skin the minute I caught a glimpse of this eye-catching picture. 4.It is not a tough job for us to figure out the implication in the picture above. 5.What an enlightening and thought-provoking sketch it is! 二.引起下文语料 1.The cartoonist’s real purpose is not the fact itself, but to lead us to detect the informative message behind it. 2.Admittedly, _______ is the epitome(缩影) of the present society. 3.Whoever casts a glance at it will be strongly appealed to, the softest place of inner heart being profoundly touched. (正面) 4.It is a striking wake-up call//morning call// to send us meaningful message that xxx 三.字幕的写法(可看情况是否选用) 1.We are informed by the caption that 2.The caption reads // indicates that 中间段语料 一.承上启下句 Simple as the drawing seems, the implication behind it is as profound as ocean. The real purpose of the creator of the picture is not the fact itself, but to lead us to detect what hides behind the ice-burg. Probing into this picture , we may effortlessly grasp its implication that lies beneath the ice-burg. 寓意展开语料 1.(负能量)Despite various interpretations, several key components, I assert, do trigger/ignite this undesirable trend. To get started//Initially, thirty-plus years into reform and opening up have witnessed //our overwhelming emphasis on material pursuits//GDPs and a host of traditional core values, increasingly indispensable to the harmony and stability of a society, are fading memories. Xxxx is high on the list, which is exactly what the chart strives to drive us home. This is sorry state of affairs. Simultaneously, the society


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