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丰台区2006~2007学年度第一学期期末练习 初三英语 第I卷(机读卷 78分) 第I卷包括听力和笔试两部分,五道大题。每小题只准选择一个答案,多选不得分。 第一部分 听力(24分) 一、听对话,选择与对话内容相符的图片。(每个对话朗读两遍)(共4分,每小题1分) 1. ___________ 2. ___________ 3. ___________ 4. ___________ 二、听对话和对话后的问题,选择正确答案。(每个对话和对话后的问题朗读两遍)(共6分,每小题1分) 5. A. Blue. B. Green. C. Red. 6. A. theater. B. A hospital. C. A Park. 7. A. By bus. B. By bike. C. On foot. 8. A. The woman. B. The man. C. The woman’s mother. 9. A. English. B. Maths. C. History. 10. A. 6:15. B. 6:45. C. 6:30. 三、听对话和短文,根据对话和短文的内容,选择正确答案。(每个对话和短文朗读两遍)(共14分,每小题2分) 现在请听对话,完成11—12小题。 11. How much does the girl want to spend on the gift? A. 50 dollars. B. 10 dollars. C. 20 dollars. 12. What does the girl buy at last? A. A basketball. B. Books. C. CDs. 现在请听对话,完成13—14小题。 13. What are the two speakers talking about? A. Joe’s problem. B. Joe’s school. C. Joe’s teacher. 14. What is the relationship(关系)between the two speakers? A. Husband and wife. B. Parent and teacher. C. Mother and son. 现在请听短文,完成15—17小题。 15. When does the speaker give the talk? A. After the lesson. B. During the lesson. C. Before the lesson. 16. Who is listening to the speaker? A. The students. B. The teachers. C. The parents. 17. How many rules does the speaker talk about? A. Four. B. Three. C. Two. 第二部分 笔试(54分) 四、语言知识运用(1) (一)单项填空(共20分,每小题1分) 从下列各题所给的四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 18. I love music, and _________ father often takes me to the concert. A. I B. me C. my D. mine 19. Gina was born _________ 1999. She is old enough to go to school. A. to B. on C. at D. in 20. ?Would you like to come to my party this Friday night? ?I’d like to, _________ I have to study for a test. A. and B. but C. or D. so 21. ?_________ T-shirt is this? Is it John’s? ?I don’t think so. It’s to small for him. A. Which B. What C. Who D. Whose 22. ?Where did you go last Sunday? ?Oh, we all _________ to the Great Wall. A. go B. went C. have gone D. will go 23. ?What’s your brother doing in his room now? ?He _________


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