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Let the cat out of the bag说出秘密I had better let the cat out of the bag at once and record my opinion that the character of the English is essentially middle class.我最好一开始就说出秘密,讲述我对英国中产阶级特征的理解。try to sweep back the Atlantic with a broom 试图做力所不及的事,自不量力Trying to sweep back the Atlantic with a broom, undoubtedly is a foolish action.以卵击石自不量力无疑是愚蠢的行为in the dark of something不知情I am utterly in the dark of the matter.我对此事完全不知情。to one’s heart content尽情品尝You?drank?and sang?to?your?heart?content?spiced?with?private and?even?vulgar jokes.?It seemed as if?the?world?had been for?our?own.??嬉笑怒骂,饮酒作乐,极度放肆,说着在其它任何场合都听不见的粗话,好像世界就只有我们自己似的。be guardian-like护花使者Never did I see such sedate, sweet lovering, so trusting on her part, so guardian-like on his.我从来没有见到过如此沉着甜美的爱恋,她非常信任,他则很像护花使者。good at gold 7. In chancery 乖乖的进退两难How careful he was, then, no to wake her, though I could see his arm was getting stiff. He still sat there, good at gold, holding her, till it began quite to hurt me to see his shoulder thus in chancery.他当时是多么小心,不去惊醒她,尽管我可以看出他的胳膊正在渐渐变的僵硬,他仍乖乖地坐在那里抱着她。我看见他的肩膀如此进退两难,开始心疼不已。太岁头上动土What impudenceThe?disciples?gasped?at?what?they took for?impudence. The?Master?smiled?at?whathe?recognized?as?a?fearless?spirit?of?inquiry.门徒们对这无礼的质问非常生气.大师对那路人笑了笑,觉得他是一个无惧的质疑者.Make a mountain out of a molehillDont make?a?mountain?out?of?a?molehill.勿将鼹鼠丘看作大山;不要小题大做。go smooth顺利进展All the best for?our career!?Everything?go?smooth!事业有成,事事顺心,万事如意A bad thing never dies.坏事传千里A bird Painted of night and day黑白相间The agitating bird, painted of night and day, was making a queer noise and flirting one wing, as if trying to attract attention.这只羽毛黑白相间的鸟儿躁动不安,正发出一种奇怪的声音,摇晃着一只翅膀,仿佛在设法引起注意。helter-skelter慌张,狼狈When I reached the crest, there was the black and white bird flying low into a dell, and there the boy, with hair streaming back, was rushing helter-skelter down the hill.我跑到山顶后,只见那只黑白相间的鸟儿正在一个小山谷里低飞,男孩子头发向后飘拂,也正慌里慌张地冲下山去。with all one’s soul全神贯注And on the brink of the black water goldened, with fallen l


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