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英语专升本 翻译 02

我的表不准,每天快十多分钟。 My watch doesn’t keep good time, it gain more than ten minutes a day. 他们走到病床前,只见她脸黄黄的。 They came to her sickbed and found her looking very pale and unwell. 诚招天下客。 Honesty secures a large custom. 复部句(主谓句) 商品的名目花色多得很。 The goods are rich in varieties. 自己酿的苦酒自己饮。 Our must drink as one brews. 我恐怕她老了。 I’m afraid she’s too far away from the cradle. 单部句(非主谓句) 你这没骨头的东西! You boneless! 恭贺添丁! Congratulations on your new baby (boy)! 辞旧岁,迎新年。 Ring in the new year, ring out the old year! 练习: 天助自助者。 God only helps those who help themselves. 有情人终成眷属 Every jack shall have his Jill. 他是一个十足的空谈家。 He was a mere Paroles. 这药可治疗咳嗽。 This medicine will help the cough. 团结就死力量。 Union is strength. 大家的事谁也不管。 Everybody’s business is nobody’s business. 教育必须从小抓起。(弯树必须始自幼苗) A tree must be bent while it is young. 这人别有用心。 This man has an axe to grind. 慢工出细活。 Soft fire makes sweet malt. 识实务者为俊杰。 A brave man knows how to bow to circumstances. 名誉重于金钱。 A good name is better than a good girdle. 他入不敷出 He has a large mouth but small girdle. 他俩在饭店吃饭一向是各付各的 Both of them always go Dutch at the restaurant. 新官上任三把火 New brooms sweep clean. 我得仔细想想 I must put on my thinking cap. 不断地在思想上撒谎终将导致人的思想和性格的毁灭。 Continuous lying in the mind leads to the destruction of human thought and character. “回去呀!”他站起来,挽着我的手臂。我们又走着曲折的,向下倾斜的路。 “送我回家,”她命令似地说。 “好。” “我上午做了菜,留着给你吃。” “真的?” “还有酒.” “我不想喝酒。” “Shall we go back?” she got to her feet and took my arm. We went back down that winding road. “See me home, will you?” she said as if issuing an order. “Fine.” “I cooked some dishes this morning, specially for you.” “Really?” “There’s wine, too.” “I don’t feel like drinking.” 复句 近朱者赤,近墨者黑。 He that touches pitch will be defiled. 处世戒言多,言多必失。 Restrain loose tongue’s impropriety to comport yourself well in society. 如果前怕狼后怕虎,就走不了路。 We shall get nowhere if we are plagued by fears. 不自由,毋宁死。 Give me liberty or give me death. 雷声大,雨点小 Great cry and little wool. 他家境贫寒,中途辍学。 The want of his family made him leave off school. 江山易改,本性难移 You c


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