global warming 说课稿.docx

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global warming 说课稿

第一部分?教学设计分析一、教材分析:Global warming为全日制普通高中课程标准实验教科书选修六第四单元第二课课时阅读课Warming up Reading。???二、学生分析??授课班级为高二学生,经过初中英语学习和高中新课程必修1-5的学习,有一定的词汇量和阅读文章的技巧,学习内容基本涵盖了全部英语基础语法。其中,实验班与平行班之间有差异,同一班级内部的学生也有差异,总的来说,理科班的学生学习英语的主观动力不强。三、教学目标分析[知识与能力]知识目标Teaching goals:1.??Know something about energy resources and something that use energy ;2. Get familiar to some words and phrases: energy, light(v.), heat(v.), renewable, non-renewable, run out, compare, phenomenon, graph, fuel, trap, data, climate, catastrophe, consequence, range, per, glance, compare to, come about, fierce debate, result in, build up, keep on能力目标Learning ability goals?:1. Learn to talk about different sources of energy ;2. Try to read the text, understand what it is about and talk about the causes and effects of global warming.教学重点Important points:1. How to express agreement and disagreement ;2.How to talk about the causes and effects of global warming and express ideas about what people should do about it.3. The writing skills of the text and get a better understanding of articles of this kind.教学难点Difficult points:1.??The use of some words and phrases;2.??“It” used for emphasis :1) …it is human activity that has caused this global warming. P262) They also agree that?it is?the burning of more and more fossil fuels?that?has resulted in this increase in carbon dioxide. P26[情感态度价值观]1.??Get to know the renewable and the nonrenewable energy resources;2.??Learn the serious effects caused by global warming and get ready to do everythingto help it .[过程与方法]?通过头脑风暴引出问题,借助多媒体展开问题,经过讨论明晰问题,最终达到思考并解决问题的目的。四、教学媒体:?Multimedia facilities (computer ,etc.)五、教学方法(教学方法的选择和设计思想):??以学生为主体,通过思考、观察、阅读、讨论等方法一步步深入课本内容、完成教学任务。教学设计既要有利于完成本课的教学目标,又要能提起学生说与读的兴趣,在师生互动中达到教学目的。?第二部分?教学实施设计Teaching procedures:[课前准备]1.??Get the?Multimedia facilities ready for use.2.??Get the students ready for class .[教学过程]1、课堂导入Leading in Warming up????1. Guess what our life will be if there’s no electricity . 2. Brainstorming : ?things that use energy in a house and


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