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javascript:try { openDoc(2571F.htm, _self) } catch(e) { };javascript:try { openDoc(2571F.htm, _self) } catch(e) { };javascript:try { openDoc(2571E.pdf, _blank) } catch(e) { };javascript:try { openDoc(2571E.pdf, _blank) } catch(e) { };http://extranet.edqm.eu/4DLink1/4DCGI/Web_View/mono/2571http://extranet.edqm.eu/4DLink1/4DCGI/Web_View/mono/2571javascript:try { openDoc(90012E.htm, _blank) } catch(e) { };javascript:try { openDoc(90012E.htm, _blank) } catch(e) { };javascript:try { openDoc(10000E.htm, _blank) } catch(e) { };javascript:try { openDoc(10000E.htm, _blank) } catch(e) { };01/2014:2571 Insulin glargineInsulinglargineInsulinumglarginumC267H404N72O78S6Mr 6063 DEFINITION 21A-Glycine-30Ba-l-arginine-30Bb-l-arginine-insulin (human).Insulin glargine is a 2-chain peptide containing 53 amino acids. The A-chain is composed of 21 amino acids and the B-chain is composed of 32 amino acids. It is identical in primary structure to human insulin, only differing in amino acid sequence at position 21 in the A-chain and at the C-terminal end of the B-chain where it contains 2 additional amino acids. Human insulin is Asn(A21), whereas insulin glargine is Gly(A21), Arg(B31), Arg(B32). As in human insulin, insulin glargine contains 2 interchain disulfide bonds and 1 intrachain disulfide bond. Content: 94.0 per cent to 105.0 per cent (anhydrous substance). By convention, for the purpose of labelling insulin glargine preparations, 0.0364 mg of insulin glargine is equivalent to 1 unit. PRODUCTION Insulin glargine is produced by a method based on recombinant DNA (rDNA) technology under conditions designed to minimise the degree of microbial contamination. Prior to release, the following tests are carried out on each batch of the final bulk product, unless exemption has been granted by the competent authority. Host-cell-derived proteins. The limit is approved by the competent authority. Single-chain precursor. The limit is approved by the competent authority. Use a suitably sensitive m


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