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李阳疯狂英语之标准美语45b Source: 恒星英语学习网 Onion 2009-06-25 我要投稿 论坛 Favorite 迅雷高速下载 音频下载[点击右键另存为] 7. This girl is still a midd le school student. 8. That terrible hooliga n made my life miserable, he stole my motorcycle and my bicycle. 9. My idol Bill Clinton got involved in severa l scanda ls. 10. The girl at the hotel was so helpful. We should give her a little tip. 第四部分: 1. Bill will pay the bill for the mea l. 2. Speaking English is a useful skill for Chinese young people. 3. Please speak English boldly. 4. She was a beautiful girl. Now she has a beautiful child. 5. Don’t be selfish. Lend me a little money. 6. It’s a little painful. Control yourself. 7. Tell me the whole story from the beginning. 8. Tell us about your vacation. 9. Tell me what’s going on. 10. I can’t tell which bag is mine. They look exactly the same. 11. May be I will, maybe I won’t. What’s it to you? 第五部分:李阳老师最喜欢的句子 1. I just feel like a total fool. 2. All’s well that ends well. 3. The football match didn’t begin until 12:00. 4. It’s not money but the love of money that is the root of all evil. 5. People from all over the world come to visit BJ. 6. The local basketball team will play tonight. Shall we go together? 7. I’m glad my lega l difficulties are all over. 8. He failed the physica l examination, so he can’t join the nationa l football team. 第六部分:发音技巧 1. [pl]: apple people principle multiple ample example simple couple just give me a simple YES or NO. They make a wonderful couple. 2. [bl]: able table enable globule label simple liable comfortable stable bible terrible double please make yourself comfortable. I feel terrible; I’m going to the hospital. 3. [tl]: little title hospital gentle be gentle to sma ll anima ls, don’t eaten them. My family settled here a little while ago. 4. [dl]: idol midd le noodle handle can you handle it by yourself. I like to be a model when I grow up. 5. [kl]: uncle ridicules medica l magica l logica l typica l musica l


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