国际海事公约模拟题- -.doc

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国际海事公约模拟题- -

2014 ~2015学年度第 1 学期 《 航海英语 》国际公约模拟题 单项选择(共 76分)请将正确答案写在答题纸的相应位置 1. How many hours of rest is the minimum required in a normal day? 14 hours B. 10 hours C. 6 hours D. It does not matter as long as my overtime is paid for 2. The master shall ensure that any seafarers _____ are provided with an adequate period of rest. who have performed work for 14 hours who have performed work in a scheduled rest period who have performed work in a scheduled work period who works hard 3. Emergency escape breathing device on board shall have a duration of service no less than ______. 20 minutes B. 15 minutes C. 10 minutes D. 5 minutes 4. All engines in lifeboats and rescue boats shall be run for a total period of not less than _____ in weekly inspections. 2 minutes B. 3 minutes C. 4 minutes D. 5 Minutes 5. You are standing the wheelwatch on entering port and the master gives you a rudder command which conflicts with a rudder command from the pilot. What should you do? obey the master’s B. obey the pilot’s C. bring the rudder to a position midway between the two conflicting orders D. ask the pilot if he relinquishes control 6. Ships carrying 15 or more seafarers and engaged in a voyage of more than three day’s duration shall provide separate hospital accommodation to be used ____. for other purposes B. exclusively for medical purposes for a common ship’s office C. by deck and engine departments 7. The safety of Life at Sea Convention was developed by the __________ A. IMDG conference B. American Bureau of Shipping C. International Maritime Organization D. American Institute of Maritime Shipping 8. You are on watch at night in clear visibility and the vessel has just been anchored. The first thing that you should do after the anchor has been let go is to______. stop the engines. turn off the running lights and turn on the anchor lights. take at least two bearings of prominent shore lights. lower the accommod



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