Book 6 Unit 4 Global warming 学案.docx

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Book 6 Unit 4 Global warming 学案

Book 6 Unit 4 Global warming导学案Period 1 Vocabulary重点单词。1、_____ n. 承诺;交托 ____ vt.犯罪;承诺 2、___ vt.陈述;说明 ____ n.国家3、_______ n. 生长;增长_____vi.生长 4、______ n. 生存;存在 ______vi.存在5、_______ n. 贡献 ______ vt.捐助 6、_____ n. 分歧;不一致 _____ vi.不同意7、_________n.结果;后果;影响8、________ n. 种类;范围9、_________ n. 环境;情况 10、______ adj. 平均的;普通的;普遍的11、________ vt. 消费;消耗 12、_______adj. 温和的;温柔的13、_______ vi.照顾;趋向 vt.照顾;护理 14、______ vt. 拥护;提倡;主张二、重点短语。1、_________ 同意;订阅 2、__________ 发生;造成 3、________ 大量的4、_________ 与……相比 5、__________导致6、__________ 反对7、_________ 继续 8、_________ 涨价;上涨 9、__________代表10、________ 大体上;基本上11、_______ 代替12、__________有影响13、_______ 浏览;扫一眼14、_________ 容忍 15、__________减少三、练习。A. 根据括号里单词的释义,用其正确形式填空。1.These __________ (现象)are most serious in the area.2. Before Jack left the company , he ________ (陈述) his problem.3. Do you ________(同意) to her pessimistic view of the situation of the economy?4.When did this word come into ______________?(存在)5.More and more fossil fuels have ________in (导致)this increase in carbon dioxide.6.I am doing a project on _______ of my school about global warming.7. We do not have to _________________ (忍受)pollution.8.? He?________?at?today’ s?newspaper?and?walked?out.(瞥了一眼) 9.? On?__________(平均),?how?much?do?you?earn?per?month?B. 单项选择。1.The prices of beer ___ from 50 cents to $4 per liter during the summer season.A. found B. ranged C. separated D. differed2. Ann is careless sometimes, but ____, she is a hardworking student.A. to tell you the truth B. believe it or not C. that is to say D. on the whole3. There are many inconveniences you have to _____ when you are camping.A. put up with B. put up C. put off D. put away4. _____ all my family, I sincerely thank you for what you have done for us.A. On behalf of B. Represent C. Stand for D. Instead of5. You can go out, ______ you promise to be back before 11 o’clock.A. as far as B. so far as C. when D. as/so long as6. Don’t expect t



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