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我将就这个问题发表我的见解,I shall express my views on the subject/ on the issue我心里总是想这个问题,他要这个干什么I kept wandering about the question. Why did he want it?那要看情况如何That depends upon circumstances.这种情况必须改变This situation must change.他们的情况怎么样How do matters stand with them?How about them?他把全部书籍都献给了图书馆He presented all his books to the library.教师应当献身于教育事业A teacher should devote himself to education.该委员会由15个人组成The committee consists of 15 members.空气是由多种气体混合组成的Air is made up of a mixture of gases.把自行车借我骑一下好吗Could you lend me your bicycle?他靠信用借钱,He borrowed/loaned money on credit.P154翻译下列各句,注意增补适当的词语当老师应当有耐心A teacher should have patience in his work/toward his students.他看上去有些忧愁不安He looked gloomy and troubled.虚心使人进步,骄傲,使人落后Modesty helps one to go forward, whereas conceit makes one lag behind.,温度真高水的体积就增大,必须勤学苦练才能掌握一种外国语,1958年我国生产的第一台电子计算机,用这种方法去办,听起来有道理,查字典和机身持费了我不少时间,看起来他们不大可能准时到达了,我看最好还是让孩子现在就干他的活吧翻译下列各句注意省略这一下不仅震痛了他的手也整痛了他的肩膀The blow hurt one only his hands but his shoulder too.过去我也是相信的,可是现在我不想醒了,I believed that too. But now I don’t.我们来修订安全规则和卫生规则吧Let us revise out safety and sanitary regulations.从经济学的观点看,战争景气,仅仅是一时的现象From the viewpoint of economics, the war boom is only temporary.他的傲慢态度是谁都不喜欢他His arrogance made everyone dislike him.Nobody likes him because of his arrogance.有时他们的脸冻了,有时腿冻了,手冻了Sometimes their faces froze, sometimes their feet, and their hands.他在身心两方面都成长起来了He grew in body and soul.他是个老实人He is an honest man.He is a man of honesty.老实是美德Honesty is a virtue.你这人不老实You are not honest,You are dishonest.你要老实告诉我You should tell me frankly,You will have to tell me truthfully.P161你必须好好照顾病人You must take good care of the patient.我们要特别注意提高产品的质量We must pay special attention to raising the quality of our products.学医很艰苦,成为一名医生需要很长时间The study of medicine is very hard, and it takes long time to become a doctor.这话是模仿列宾画的The picture was painted after Repin.全世界人民都反对战争People all over the world are against war.我为他的健康担忧We are worried about his health.他忘了他的目标He is forgetful of his object.他不顾一切困难,坚持工作H


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