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中级口语英语听力 授课人: niyuping E-mail: niyuping1979@ Course Description The course focuses on intensive practice of listening skills, enlargement and proper use of some professional and specialized vocabulary in miscellaneous areas, cultivation of the English language sense and introduction of western cultures and customs. Course Objectives Clear up misunderstanding in Listening find out your own weak points in English Listening learn how to practice your English listening after class grasp pronunciation techniques in oral speech vocabulary, grammar, background cultural knowledge mentioned in the class, techniques and skills dealing with various question types in the exam being fully equipped to take the Shanghai Interpretation Certificate Exam. rekindle interest in English Learning Texts Resources The activities cover a variety of formal and informal styles of the language, from interviews and presentations to conversational dialogues. An Intermediate Course of English Listening, SFLE. press Class handouts Internet materials Instructional Approaches Teaching is based on short lectures and hands-on tutorials. The lecture material is either text based or handouts based web delivered. Discussions, presentations, may also be arranged during the class when necessary. Requirements Assignments Requirements: never be late for and absent from class; loose-leaf notebook; Internet access; never hesitate to ask, be active! Assignments: 1) Listening practice. There will normally be an assignment a day. We will check the assignment of the previous day and a new assignment will be given every day. Listen to the radio – programs like Studio Classroom or Ivy League, BBC, VOA; and other Internet broadcasts from around the world. BBC podcast feeds: http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio/downloadtrial/subscribe.shtml NPR podcast directory: /rss/podcast/podcast_directory.php Nature magazine podcast: /nature/podcast/index.html New Scientist podcast: /podcast.ns directory: /



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