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2004铁道部高级专业技术人员培训 讲座之一 (1) 电铁发展 1 电力牵引的早期发展历史 2 我国及世界电气化铁路概况 3 法国TGV与德国ICE 1 电力牵引早期发展历史 Early Development History of Electric traction 1.1 Social demand 1.2 Early experiments 1.3 Invention of DC dynamo and motor 1.4 Emergence of electric railway 1.5 Early developments of electric railway 1.1 Social Demand (1) The scientific wonder of today is the commonplace of tomorrow. This is certainly true of electricity‘s application to our modern needs. The little electric models constructed by early inventors have developed into the electric expresses(快车) and giant electric freight engines, in use throughout the world at the present time. (2) The electric locomotive and electric motor coach(电动客车) may be regarded as natural developments that have followed steam traction. Their emergence is the result of social demand on the rapid train services for the new built-up suburban areas spreading in all directions round large cities. 1.2 Early Experiments The first experimental electric railway in the world is attributed to Thomas Davenport, a blacksmith of Vermont, U.S.A., who exhibited a small railway operated by a miniature electric motor in 1835. 利用电磁铁制作了往复式电动机,驱动车辆在轨道上行使,供游人参观。 (2) A Scotsman(苏格兰人) named Robert Davidson built in 1838 an electric locomotive that attained a speed of four miles an hour. (3) In England a patent was granted in 1840 for the use of rails as conductors of electric current, and similar American patents were issued to Lilley and Colten in 1847. (4) In 1847, also, Professor Farmer operated an electric car carrying two passengers at Dover, New Hampshire. Between that year and 1858 numerous experiments were carried out in various parts of the world, in which small rail- and road-cars were operated by means of electric storage batteries. (5) 1850年,美国的霍尔利用地面上的电池作电源驱动车辆运行。 (6) It was on April 29, 1851, that a small road-car, built by Professor Page of the Smithsonian Institute, attained a speed of nineteen miles an hour near Washington - to the utter dest


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