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正反译法1.Those who would attain the heights reached and kept by great men must keep their faculties polished by constant use,so that they may unlock the doors of the knowledge,the gates that guard the entrances to the professions,to science,art ,literature agriculture---every department of human endeavor.正说反译例句:1.Admission by Invitation Only.He loses no time in practicing English.I have read your articles. I expected to meet an older man.译文:1.要想取得为人们所获得并保持的成就,人们就必须不断运用自身的才能,使其不会生锈,从而打开知识的大门,亦即那些通往人类努力探求的各个领域的大门,这些领域包括各种门类:科学、艺术、文学、农业等。(正说反译+词类转换)1.非请勿入2.他抓紧一切时间练习英语。3.文章已拜读,没想到你这么年轻。2,As Professor Nazemi refused to answer, a classmate offered, “Dude, you can use.”再如:(1)The specification lacks detail. (2)Good lubrication keeps the bearings from being damaged. (3)If we don’t get more money, community theater will cease to exist here.译文2,纳齐米教授不予回答,一个同学于是建议:“哥们,你可以告他。”这份说明书不够详尽。润滑良好使轴承不易受损。如果筹措不到更多的资金,这里的社区剧院就将不复存在。3,And I do know I’m going to lose.Please keep the fire burning.“Had you ever sen the man before then?”’No, I don’t. He was a total stranger.”Some men of insight actively discourage people from excess consumption.译文3,而我知道胜利肯定不属于我。别让火灭了。“你以前见过此人吗?”“没有。我根本不认识他。”一些有识之士积极劝阻人们不要过量消费。4.要做到这一点,首先要尽量过一种比较自由自在的生活——那种不会让你在探寻生活的奥妙之前,生活的各种可能性就业已土崩瓦解的生活。APEC will have to be non-discriminatory and it will have to seek to be open rather than closed in its approach.译文:The essential first step is trying to live a less fearful life-----one that avoids collapsing life’s possibilities before exploring them.亚太经合组织必须一视同仁,并且在态度上必须是开放而不是封闭的。引申法1.然而,一旦你开始慢慢接受这种主张,它就会让你感到不安。她阅尽人间沧桑,似乎一切都尽显在她眼中,严肃、微妙,难以言表。译文:But this assertion has an unsetting quality to it once you let it seep in. She has a vast heritage of experience,which seems to brood in her eyes, too solemn and too subtle for expression.直译加注法1.“I look forward to working closely with him on a number of areas, including growth and investment in Africa,opportunities for South-South learning,and bank instruments to better s


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