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英语四级听力新题型模拟听写训练:第1套-短篇新闻(1)Questions 1 and 2 will be based on the following news item.Recently, a photo showing a visitor on the Great Wall last week aroused a heated discussion on the Internet. They called it the great queue of China. It was, with the famous structure snaking to the horizon behind him completely hidden by a mass of other tourists. The vast imperial palace, the Forbidden City, at one point welcomed more than 180,000 visitors in a single day. In the desert at Dunhuang, at least two camels transporting tourists reportedly died from overwork in the Golden Week. And Chinese media said road traffic was up by thirteen percent on last year, causing unprecedented jams.英语四级听力新题型模拟听写训练(第1套) 短篇新闻(2)Questions 3 and 4 will be based on the following news item.These days, German government has been criticized for not doing enough to commemorate the 100th anniversary of World War I.Germany has spent less on events than some other European countries.And the events which have taken place have been seen as half-hearted by critics.Traditionally in Germany the First World War is overshadowed by the Second World War.History teaching in German schools tends to focus on the crimes of the Nazis rather than what happened a generation earlier.And since 1945 theres been a strong aversion in Germany to anything that might be seen as glorifying militarism.So many people here are uncomfortable with any anniversary of a war or a battle.Theres still some disagreement among historians about who was responsible for World War I.But having spent the last 70 years making up for Nazi guilt,many Germans have little appetite to now take on the blame for the First World War, too.Question 3.What makes the German government be criticized recently?Question 4.Whats the attitude of German people towards militarism?问题3和问题4是基于下面这则新闻的。近日,德国政府被谴责的原因是因为第一次世界大战100周年的活动做得不够充分。相比欧洲其他各国,德国对此纪念活动不够重视。其举行的纪念活动更被民众指责敷衍了事。在德国,第二次世界大战比第一次世界大战更受重视。德国的的历史教学也更加侧重纳粹所犯罪行,而并非发生在上一代人身上的悲剧。1945年以来,德国民众强烈反对任何可能被视为美化军国



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