二 Ten Years.doc

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二 Ten Years

二 Ten Years 时间能够留下什么?时间又能带走什么?十年,你的变化大么?记得陈奕迅有首歌,也是这个名字,抹不去的就是淡淡的伤感…… 工作 Work 十年前我们为打一个电话四处寻找公用电话 10 years ago, I looked about public telephone just for a call; 十年后我们有了手机,依然四处奔波 10 years later, I have mobile phone but still rushing all around. 十年前我月薪的目标是1000 10 years ago, I aimed to earn 1000 yuan a month; 十年后我月薪6000元,依然无法快乐 10 years later, I earn 6000 yuan a month but still unhappy. 十年前我最怕的就是批评 10 years ago. I was mostly scared of criticism; 十年后我最难得的却是批评 10 years later, it’s hard to win criticism. 十年前200元钱我可以花一个月 10 years ago, 200 yuan was enough for me to live a month; 十年后2000元钱我才可以吃一顿饭 10 years later, it costs me 2000 yuan for one meal. 十年前我们穿着统一的校服,朴素中透出的是阳光般的灿烂 10 years ago, we were in school uniforms, brilliant sunshine naturally overflowing from austerity; 十年后我们穿着名牌的服装,华贵中流露出的是淡淡的忧郁 10 years later, we are in name brand clothes, a touch of somber mood arising from this kind of illusive luxury. 十年前我们可以蓬头垢面,满脸汗渍的去上课 10 years ago, we went to class unkemptly with sweat stains on face; 十年后我们必须衣冠楚楚,面带微笑的去上班 10 years later, we must dress in neat and with smile for work. 十年前我痛恨腐败 10 years ago, I rabidly abominated corruption; 十年后我腐败了 10 years later, I belong to the ranks of corruption; 信念 Belief 十年前我以为自己是一棵大树 10 years ago, I thought that I were a sky-reaching tree; 十年后我才明白自己只不过是一棵小草 10 years later, I realize that I am nothing more than a tiny grass. 十年前我唯一可以浪费的就是时间 10 years ago, time was the only thing I can waste; 十年后我除了时间什么我都可以浪费 10 years later, I can waste anything except for time. 十年前我们可以说青春无悔 10 years ago, youth was unrepentant to us; 十年后我们只能说青春不在 10 years later, youth is far away from us. 十年前我们可以游戏人生 10 years ago, we felt proud that we can play with life; 十年后我们却处在人生的游戏中 10 years later, we are trapped in the game of life.


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