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数字图像处理论文姓 名:XXX 任课教师:XXX 院 系:xxxxxxxxxx 专 业:xxxxxxxxxxxx提交日期:xxxxxxxxxxxxxx基于MATLAB对图像增强的认识摘 要这学期我们学习了数字图像处理这一门实用而又生动的课程,初次接触到它就被它丰富的内容所吸引。如今随着计算机硬件的发展,数字图像的实时处理已经成为可能,数字图像处理是一门新兴的技术,各种算法的实现,使得图像处理的速度也越来越快,从而可以更好地为人们服务。数字图像处理技术已经在各行各业的领域中均有涉及。MATLAB的强大图形展示和运算功能,使得图像处理变得更加的简单和直观。学完课本第三章使我认识到,将原来不清晰的图像变得清晰或强调某些关注的特征,抑制非关注的特征,使之改善图像质量、丰富信息量,加强图像判读和识别效果的图像处理方法就叫做图像增强。本文介绍了MATLAB中语言的特点和基于MATLAB的图像处理环境,介绍了如何使用MATLAB和图像处理工具箱进行数字图像处理,重点介绍了利用MATLAB来实现图像增强的图像处理。关键词:数字图像处理,图像增强,MATLABBased on the understanding of the image enhancement of MATLABAbstractThis term we have learnt the digital image processing which is a practical and vivid course, First contact to it,I was attractive by its richcontent.Currently,with thedevelopment of computer hardware, real-time processing of digital image has become possible, digital image processing is a new technology, various algorithm implemented, make image processing speed also more and more quickly, and can better service for people. Digital image processing technology has in all walks of life field involved. MATLAB powerful graphics display and operation function, making image processing become more simple and intuitive. After the third chapter to learn textbooks I realizethat is not clear image of will become clear or emphasized that some attention features, inhibition of the characteristics of attention to improve image quality and abundant information, strengthen the image interpretation and recognition effect of image processing method is called image enhancement. This paper introduces the characteristics of the language of MATLAB and based on the MATLAB image processing environment, this article introduces how to use MATLAB toolbox and image processing of digital image processing, focusing on the use of MATLAB to realize the image enhancement of image processing.Keywords: digital?image?processing,? image?enhancement,MATLAB目录 1 引言12 MATLAB基本知识介绍22.1 MATLAB的概述22.2 MATLAB产生的历史背景22.3 MATLAB语言的特点42.4 MATLAB在图像处


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