心理学专业外语:The humanistic approach to psychology.docx

心理学专业外语:The humanistic approach to psychology.docx

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心理学专业外语:The humanistic approach to psychology

The humanistic approach to psychology心理学的人本主义研究方法‘Humanistic psychology has as its ultimate goal the preparation of a complete description of what it means to be alive as a human being’.Bugental(1967)“人本主义心理学把对人类活着意义的完整阐述作为其终极目标。”布根塔尔(1967)Origins and history起源和历史The humanistic movement developed in America in the early 1960s,and was termed the third force in psychology since it aimed to replace the two main approaches in the subject at that time,behaviourism and psychoanalysis.Influenced by gestalt psychology’s idea of studying whole units, and existential philosophy with its belief in conscious free will,humanists argued that behaviourism’s artificial and dehumanising approach and psychoanalysis’s gloomy determinism were insufficient to provide a complete psychology.人本主义运动发展壮大于20世纪60年代初的美国,由于它旨在取 代当时这一领域的两大心理学重要研究方法——行为主义和精神分析,而被称为心理学的第三势力。受格式塔心理学研究整体的思想,以及存在主义哲学推崇有意识的自由意志的影响,人本主义者认为行为主义人造的和非人化的方法以及精神分析阴郁的决定论不足支撑完整的心理学。The humanistic approach aimed to investigate all the uniquely human aspects of experience such as love,hope,creativity,etc.andemphasised the importance of the individual’s interaction with the environment.Humanists,such as Maslow,believed that every individual has the need to self-actualise or reach their potential,and Rogers developed client-centred therapy to help individuals in this process of self-actualisation.人本主义的研究方法旨在探讨人类独有的经验,例如,爱、希望、创造力等,并且强调个人与环境相互作用的重要性。人本主义者,如马斯洛,相信每个人都有自我实现的或达到自己潜能的需要,罗杰斯创建的来访者中心疗法就是用来帮助个体在此过程中完成自我实现的。Assumptions理论假设Bugental(1967),the first president of the American Association for Humanistic Psychology,described some of its fundamental assumptions:美国人本主义心理学会第一届主席布根塔尔(1967)描述了一些基本假设:A proper understanding of human nature can only be gained from studying humans, not other animals.只有通过研究人类,而绝非其他的动物,才能获取对人性恰当的理解。 Psychology should research areas that are meaningful and important to human existence,not neglect them because they are too difficult. Psychology should be applied to enrich human life.心理学应当研究对人类的生存有意义且重要的领域,而不能


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