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文明 1. A

A?Modell?of?Christian?CharityWrittenOn Boarde the Arrabella,On the Attlantick Ocean.By?the Honorable John?Winthrop?Esquire.For?the?Massachusetts?Bay?Colony,?1630In His passage, (with the great Company of Religious people, of which Christian Tribes he was the Brave Leader and famous Governor;), from the Island of Great Brittiane, to New-England in the North America.Christian?CharitieA?MODELL?HEREOF.God?Almightie?in?his?most?holy?and?wise?providence?hath?soe?disposed?of?the Condicion?of?mankinde,?as?in?all?times?some?must?be?rich,?some?poore,?some highe and?eminent?in?power?and?dignitie;others?meane?and?in?subieccion.??THE?REASON?HEREOF1st Reason. First to hold conformity with the rest of His world, being delighted to show forth the glory of his wisdom in the variety and difference of the creatures, and the glory of His power in ordering all these differences for the preservation and good of the whole, and the glory of His greatness, that as it is the glory of princes to have many officers, so this great king will have many stewards, counting himself more honored in dispensing his gifts to man by man, than if he did it by his own immediate hands. 2nd Reason. Secondly, that He might have the more occasion to manifest the work of his Spirit: first upon the wicked in moderating and restraining them, so that the rich and mighty should not eat up the poor, nor the poor and despised rise up against their superiours, and shake off their yoke. 2ly, in the regenerate in exercising His graces in them, as in the great ones, their love, mercy, gentleness, temperance etc., and in the poor and inferior sort, their faith, patience, obedience etc.3rd Reason. Thirdly, that every man might have need of other, and from hence they might be all knit more nearly together in the Bond of brotherly affection. From hence it appears plainly that no man is made more honorable than another or more wealthy etc., out of any particular and singular respect to himself, but for the glory of his Creat


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