心理学 双语重点.doc

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心理学 双语重点

Psychology: the scientific study of behavior and mental processes. History of psychology:1、from philosophy : empiricism(经验主义) and positivism(实证主义)2、from biology : evolution(进化论) and physiology(生理学)3、from physics(物理学) When did psychology start? : in 1879, Wilhelm Wundt created the first psychology lab in Lerpzig.1890 《Principles of psychology》 by William James. The similarity and differences between structuralism(构造主义) and functionalism(机能主义): 1、The similarity : they all think the object of psychological investigation(研究) should be the conscious mind. 2、the differences : 1-Wundt or James 2-Wundt think the object of psychology investigation should be studied by introspection. 3-James argued that the workings of the mind are functional, to survive and adapt, so we should investigate what behavior and thought are for. The Psychoanalytic approach to psychology(精神分析): Freud hysteria(癔症) the manifestation of physical symptoms宣泄法 Charcot(沙可) Jung 荣格 Adler阿德勒 Klein克莱因 Erickson埃里克森 Oedipus complex 俄狄浦斯情结 Method of investigation: case study: Free association自由联想 Dream analysis梦的解析 Areas of explanation : fixation / defense mechanisms防御机制 The behaviorist approach to psychology行为主义 哲学基础:empiricism经验主义 Pavlov 巴甫洛夫 classical conditioning 经典条件反射 Thorndike 桑代克 Skinner 斯金纳 operant conditioning 操作性条件反射 Watson 华生 《psychology as the behaviorist views it》《行为主义者眼中的心理学》 Bandura班杜拉 social learning theory 社会学习理论 Practical applications(实际应用) : token economies 代币制 systematic desensitization系统脱敏 The humanistic approach to psychology人本主义: Influenced by Gestalt psychology’s idea 受格式塔心理学影响 Maslow马斯洛 self-actualize自我实现 Rogers罗杰斯 client-centered therapy当事人中心疗法 to self-actualization 建立自信 Methods of investigation : phenomenological approach现象学方法 The cognitive approach of psychology认知心理学: Tolman 托尔曼 Piaget 皮亚杰 paradigm 范式 Cognitive psychology compares the human mind to a computer study perception, attention, memory, thinking, language, problem solving. Practical applications :Ellis’s rational emotive


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