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8类逻辑错误提纲:1非因果关系 Non Causal relationship 相关非因果 后此谬误 混淆因果 因果关系简单化2横比 The Fallacy of Analogy Comparison 3纵比 Assuming All things remains over time 4数据与调查 Problematic Data A 不充分采样错误Insufficient Sample Fallacy 数量不够 不具有代表性B 有偏采样错误The Biased-Sample Fallacy 问卷设计问题 谁组织的调查 数据问题5充分/必要Sufficient Evidence Necessary Condition A 充分条件?有它就好 B 必要条件?缺它不行 C 充要条件 先打必要条件再打充分条件6整体与部分 Composition and Division整体适用部分 个体适用整体 7非此即彼 False DilemmaA考虑问题不全面 B没有限定重要词语 C循环论证 D为2对立目标辩论 E无理取闹 8其它 Non Causal relationship 非因果关系1相关非因果 2后此谬误 3混淆因果 4因果关系简单化 相关非因果 In the last several years, whenever sales of personal computers went up, sales of athletic shoes also rose strongly; therefore, buyers of personal computers must have bought athletic shoes as well Commuter use of the new subway train is exceeding the transit company’s projections. However, commuter use of the shuttle buses that transport people to the subway stations is below the projected volume. If the transit company expects commuters to ride the shuttle buses to the subway rather than drive there, it must either reduce the shuttle bus fares or increase the price of parking at the subway stations 具体攻击方法 1 The argument depends on an unproven cause-and-effect relationship between the ______. (P) The argument depends on an unproven cause-and-effect relationship between the unexpectedly low shuttle-bus usage and shuttle-bus fares or stationparking fees. 2 The reason for ____ might have nothing to do with____ The reason for the unexpectedly low shuttle-bus usage might have nothing to do with either shuttlebus fares or station-parking fees. 3 For instance______. For instance, commuter awareness of the shuttle-bus option might be growing more slowly than anticipated. For that matter, many commuters might be wary of riding the buses due to a recent shuttlebus accident. 4 Without ruling out these and other alternatives explanations for _____, the author cannot draw a conclusion that_____. Without ruling out these and other alternative ex


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