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浅析中国传统吉祥图案在现代室内设计中的应用 摘要 随着社会经济的迅速发展,科学技术的进步,在建筑相关的行业中似乎间用科技代替了中国的传统,然而近年来“中国传统之风”又兴起来了,作为世界文明的发源地之一,中国具有的悠久历史和深厚文化沉淀是祖先留给我们的巨大宝藏,中国吉祥图案便是这宝藏中最美最绚烂的一部分。吉祥图案作为一种设计元素,被广泛应用于室内设计中,有着鲜明的民族特征,从传统氛围中凸显出来的吉祥图案,不仅表现出传统文化的承传性,而且充分展现出吉祥图案在现代室内设计中持久的生命力,由于传统吉祥图案所蕴涵的特殊价值,因此在现在室内设计中如果能够加以适当应用,可以为当代的室内设计增加新的手段和表现方法,本文将结和本次毕业设计课题对中国传统吉祥图案与现代室内设计怎样完美结合进行深入探讨。 关键词 吉祥图案;现代室内设计;中国风格;承传性 Abstract Along with the social economy rapid development, the science and technology progress, as if has replaced China’s tradition in the building during related profession with the science and technology, however the recent years “wind o f the Chinese tradition” was popular, took one of world civilization places of origin, China had the glorious history and the deep cultural precipitation were the ancestor leave our giant buried treasure, the Chinese propitious design then are in this buried treasure are most beautiful a most brilliant part.The propitious design took one kind of design element, is widely applied in the room designs, has the bright nationality to draft, highlights the propitious design from the traditional atmosphere, not only displays the traditional culture to receive passes on the nature, moreover unfolds the propitious design to design the lasting vitality fully in the modern room, because the traditional propitious design contains special value, therefore designs in the present room if can perform the suitable application, might design for in the contemporary room increases the new method and the performance method, how perfect union this article ties with this finishes the design topic designs to in the Chinese tradition propitious design and the modern room to carry on thoroughlyControls asks for. Key words In the propitious design;the modern room designs, the Chinese style 目录 浅析吉祥图案在现代室内设计中的应用……………………………………………………1 传统吉祥图案在现代室内设计中的重要地位…………………………………………1 本文的研究内容和研究目的……………………………………………………………1 本文研究的必要性………………………………………………………………………1 使中国传统文脉在现代室内设计中得到更好的传承…………………………1 满足当今室内装饰市场的需求


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