Lesson Two Photosynthesis(生物专业英语补完版).doc

Lesson Two Photosynthesis(生物专业英语补完版).doc

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Lesson Two Photosynthesis(生物专业英语补完版)

Lesson Two(2学时) Photosynthesis 教学目的:使学生掌握细胞的光合作用机理,光合系统Ⅰ与光合系统Ⅱ结构与功能之间的关系。相关英语词汇以及主要用法。 Photosynthesis occurs only in the chlorophyll-containing cells of green plants, algae, and certain protists and bacteria. Overall, it is a process that converts light energy into chemical energy that is stored in the molecular bonds. From the point of view of chemistry and energetics, it is the opposite of cellular respiration. Whereas cellular respiration is highly exergonic and releases energy, photosynthesis requires energy and is highly endergonic. 光合作用只发生在含有叶绿素的绿色植物细胞,海藻,某些原生动物和细菌之中。总体来说,这是一个将光能转化成化学能,并将能量贮存在分子键中,从化学和动能学角度来看,它是细胞呼吸作用的对立面。细胞呼吸作用是高度放能的,光合作用是需要能量并高吸能的过程。 Photosynthesis starts with CO2 and H2O as raw materials and proceeds through two sets of partial reactions. In the first set, called the light-dependent reactions, water molecules are split (oxidized), 02 is released, and ATP and NADPH are formed. These reactions must take place in the presence of light energy. In the second set, called light-independent reactions, CO2 is reduced (via the addition of H atoms) to carbohydrate. These chemical events rely on the electron carrier NADPH and ATP generated by the first set of reactions. 光合作用以二氧化碳和水为原材料并经历两步化学反应。第一步,称光反应,水分子分解,氧分子释放,ATP和NADPH形成。此反应需要光能的存在。第二步,称暗反应,二氧化碳被还原成碳水化合物,这步反应依赖电子载体NADPH以及第一步反应产生的ATP。 Both sets of reactions take place in chloroplasts. Most of the enzymes and pigments for the lightdependent reactions are embedded in the thylakoid membrane of chloroplasts. The dark reactions take place in the stroma. 两步反应都发生在叶绿体中。光反应需要的大部分酶和色素包埋在叶绿体的类囊体膜上。暗反应发生在基质中。 How Light Energy Reaches Photosynthetic Cells(光合细胞如何吸收光能的) The energy in light photons in the visible part of the spectrum can be captured by biological molecules to do constructive work. The pigment chlorophyll in plant cells absorbs photons within a particular absorption spectrums statement of the amount of light absorbed by chlorophyll at different wavelengths. When light is absorbed it a


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