门罗及其脱体经验研究 - Who Is Robert Monroe.doc

门罗及其脱体经验研究 - Who Is Robert Monroe.doc

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门罗及其脱体经验研究 - Who Is Robert Monroe

门罗及其脱体经验研究 文:杜夫 来源:新时代网 时间:2005-2-1 15:56:27 点击:405 /qdw/ArticleShow1.asp-BigClassName=dml.html Who Is Robert Monroe? 门罗及其脱体经验研究 AUTHOR: Duv 作者:杜夫 CONTENTS: 目录: WHO IS ROBERT MONROE? 罗勃特·门罗是谁? THE SECOND BODY 第二身体 LOCALE II 现场II ATTAINING THE OUT OF BODY EXPERIENCE 获得脱体经验 THE MIND 心智 HEAVEN AND HELL 天堂和地狱 WHO IS ROBERT MONROE? 罗勃特·门罗是谁? Robert Monroe, founder of the Monroe Mind Research Institute in Virginia, began studying altered states of consciousness in 1958. At that time, Monroe was a succesful businessman, having graduated from Ohio State University with a degree in engineering, and a second one in journalism. As an executive of a radio station, Monroe led a busy and normal life. That same year Monroe began studying what happens to consciousness while the body is asleep. His first experiments consisted of listening to tapes that contained various types and combinations of sounds. He researched out of body experiences (oobes) until his own death. In his 3 books (Journey Out of Body, Journeys Beyond the Universe, and The Ultimate Journey), Monroe shares what he has found after years of researching, studying, and experimenting using most often his own experiences as reference and/or basis for his observations. His notes are very sober and clear, and he manages to transmit clear, impartial, reporter type descriptions. His narrations are consistent and well organized, and his writings slowly go into details about life, death, and much, much more. (subjects presented in his second and third books are not discussed in this paper) 罗勃特·门罗是维吉尼亚州门罗心智研究学会的创办人,他在1958年开始研究意识的变易状态。当时,门罗是一个成功的商人,他毕业于俄亥俄州立大学,获得工程学士学位和新闻学士学位。门罗身为广播电台的主管,过着忙碌而平常的生活。同年,门罗开始研究身体入睡时的意识状况。他的第一个实验是听包含各种类型和组合的声音。他从此一直致力于脱体经验(oobes)的研究,直到他去世为止。在他的三本著作(《脱体之旅》、《世外之旅》、《终极之旅》)中,门罗介绍了他多年来的研究、探索和实验的发现,大多以他亲身经历作为他观察的参考和基础。他的笔记非常严肃、清晰,他力求准确、公正和“记者”式的表述。他的叙述前后一致、组织良好,他的作品逐渐对生命、死亡和其他更多问题作了详尽的探究。(本文对他的第二、第三本书的内容不作讨论。) In his first book, Monroe describes an oobe as, 1. A person perceives part of the envir


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