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宏观知识点总结Chapter26 the exchange rate and balance of payment1. 名义利率和实际利率的概念,要区分;二者的关系,那个公式。明白一国货币升值表示什么意思。(掌握)2. traded weighted index(了解)3. 对一国货币的供给和需求的分析一,供给和需求决定汇率,要知道哪些因素影响一国货币的供给和需求,相应的曲线在图上会怎么移动(重点)。二,对一种货币的需求是对另一种货币的供给,要清楚某一种货币供给需求变化后,另一种货币的供给和需求会如何变化。(重点)4. 利率平价和购买力平价(掌握)5. international trade (了解)6. 汇率政策。理解什么是浮动汇率、固定利率和crawling peg。注意区分。(掌握)Chapter 27 (AD-AS model)The main purpose of AD-AS model: explain changes in real GDP and price level, which leads to business cycle fluctuations around potential GDP.1、区分宏观中的长短期宏观中的长短期主要以价格行为加以区分:在长期中,价格是具有伸缩性的,价格水平能够调整到充分就业的均衡状态;在短期中,价格是具有粘性的(sticky),实际GDP可能等于、大于、小于潜在GDP.2、总供给(Aggregate Supply)2.1总供给是描述实际GDP供给量与价格水平的关系。外生变量The quantity of labor employedThe quantity of physical, human capital Quantity of real GDP suppliedThe state of technologyAS内生变量Price level2.2总供给关系取决于时间范围企业的产品服务价格具有伸缩性---长期总供给曲线企业的产品服务价格具有黏性—短期总供给曲线2.2.1长期总供给(long-run aggregate supply)a、In the long run, the money wage rate changes in step with the price level;b、Try to explain why the LAS curve is vertical.(重点)the price levelchange by the real wage rate the money wage the same percentage does not changerateat the full-employment level real GDP=potential GDPpotential GDP is independent of the price level LAS curve is vertical2.2.2短期总供给(short-run aggregate supply)a、in the short run, the money wage rate, the prices of other resources and potential GDP remain constant;b、Try to explain why the SAS curve slopes upward.In the short run, when the price level rises real wage rate declinesthe cost of production decreases employ more labors increases production(real GDP) 黏性工资模型在超短期中,总供给曲线是水平的。2.3总供给的变动An increase in theFull-employment quantity of laborAn increase in the changes in both of LAS and SASquantity of capital potential GDPcurve shiftAn advance in technologychangesin ASDepartures fromfull-employmentchanges in Expectations about the money wage only SAS curve shiftsinflationrate3、总需求(Aggregate demand)3.1 总需求是描述实际GDP需求量与价格水平的关系Basic for


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