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2016年飞翔英语 Unit 听力部分、听问句,选答语。 ( ) 1. A. No, she doesn’t. B. She has some glue. C. Yes, we have some glue. ( ) 2. A. She has some glue. B. I have some glue. C. He has some crayons. ( ) 3. A. We are going to the lake. B. She’s making models. C. No, he isn’t. ( ) 4. A. He likes running. B. He wants to be a farmer. C. He wants to play. ( ) 5. A. She has three. B. I go to school at 7:30. C. Yes, here you are. 二、听音补全短文。 Gogo has a beautiful _______. It’s ________. He has some ________, ________, __________in it. He is a good student in our school. 听音补全对话。10分 A: It’s a sunny day today. Let’s ______ shopping. B: Fine. But what ______ we need? A: There _____ no juice in the fridge, let’s ______ some. B: OK. ______ we need ______ salt? A: Yes, we need some sugar, ______. B: Don’t forget to buy some ________. We need to send letters. A: OK. _______ ________ do we need? B: Six. 笔试部分 二. 背诵下列短文。 1. Wow, so nice! I want . 哇,好棒啊,我想要画画你有蜡笔吗没有,但是我有一只钢笔你有纸吗’t have .不,我没有纸你在做什么,Gogo?’m a .我在画画看黑板, 这是一幅画,请涂上颜色Jenny有蜡笔吗是的,她有一些蜡笔。some还是any呢? 1.Do you have books? Yes, I have . 2.They don’t have rubbers. They only have rulers. 3.My sister doesn’t have glue. 4.We have tape. You may get . 5.He doesn’t have staples, but he has paper. 四、仿照例句改写句子。(8%) Model A: Do you have any books? Yes, I do. 1. Tony , paper ________________________________________________ 2. your sisters , pictures _________________________________________ Model B: What do you have? I have some paper. 3. Mr Li , glue _______________________________________________ 4. they , maps _______________________________________________ 五、圈出不可数名词 doctor homework student book blackboard paper staple stamp meat juice envelope sugar scissor beef


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