上海交大Biochemistry Test(English 2010-10考试卷).doc

上海交大Biochemistry Test(English 2010-10考试卷).doc

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上海交大Biochemistry Test(English 2010-10考试卷)

Biochemistry Test (Chapters 11 to 15) Name Student ID Score I II III IV Total I Write the Structure of each item (2.5 point of each, total 10 points) 1: ATP 2: Creatine phosphate 3: NAD+ 4: cAMP II Multiple Choice (1 points of each, total 30 points) Fructose can cyclize to (a) primarily. A) pyranose ring. B) furanose ring. C) both pyranose and furanose ring forms. D) All of the above. E) None of the above. As they can block releasing of viral particles from host cells, inhibitors of are important anti-influenza agents . A) glycosidase B) protease C) nuclease D) glycosyl transferase E) neuroaminidase (sialidase) The transmembrane helices can be predicted by calculation the free energy change that takes place when a hypothetical a-helix formed of residues n to n + is transferred from membrane interior to water. A) 15 B) 17 C) 19 D) 21 E) 23 Ca2+ ATPase transfers phophoryl group from ATP to the side chain of residue(s) in P-domain. A) Tyr B) Ser C) Thr D) Asp E) Glu. Channels that open in response to membrane depolarization are called __________ channels. A) voltage-gated B) symport C) ligand-gated D) All of the above. E) None of the above. In addition to dissociation of epinephrine-receptor complex, are involved in resetting the receptors. ??adrenergic receptor kinase B) ??arrestin C) G-protein D) a and b E) a, b, and c The fluorescent proterties of Fura-2 are changed on binding calcium through . A) positioning oxygen atoms of Fura-2 B) modifying Fura-2 C) cleaving Fura-2 D) covalently binding Fura-2 E) an unknown mechanism Phospotyrosine residue are recognized by and bound to other proteins that contain a


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