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2016年上海学位英语考试题答案抠 [9463,48777] bao通过 历年学位英语考试真题及答案 一.语法词汇(50个小题,每个0.5分,共25分.本次考试总计有33个教材上的原题)   4.Before you mail this letter,you shoule check again whether you have it or not.   a)sunk(使沉没) b)sighed(叹息) c)sought(寻找; 探寻) d)sealed(密封的)   第二单元第5个   5单元第7个14个   6单元第9个   13. They told me that by the end of the month they ___ in this house for 10 years.   A)has lived B)has been living C)will have lived D) would have been living.   答案 D 他们告诉我,到本月底,他们就在这所房子里住了10年了。   14. By the time he retires John? ____ here for 30 years.   A)has taught B)has been teaching C)will have been teaching D)has been taught   答案 C 他退休的时候约翰已经教了30年了。   10.Chocolate and ice-cream have different _____.   A)favor B)favorites C)fever D)flavors   答案:flavors 巧克力和冰淇淋的味道不同。   U5.15. After __the old man, the doctor suggested that he __ a bad cold. C   A. examining, should catch B. examined, had caught   C. examining, had caught D. examined, catch   检查过后,医生暗示他得了重感冒。   u6.19.You __ come over yourself. You could have given me a ring instead.   A)needn’t have B)shouldn’t have C)can’t have D)mustn’t have   答案:A 你其实不用这么为难自己,你其实可以送我一个戒指(事实上没有送)   U7.2. Professor smith is also the ____ of the international program office. If you have any problem when you study here, you may go to him for help   A) detective(detective) B) president(总统;国家主席) C)manager(经理) D)director(主管)   答案:D 史密斯教授也是国际项目办公室的主管,如果你在这里学习上有任何的问题,你可以去找他帮忙。   U9.1. More than two hundred years ago the United States ( D )from the British Empire and became an independent country.   A. got off(下车) B. pulled down(放下) C. dropped off(减少) D. broke away(逃脱)   两百多年前美国脱离了大英帝国成为一个独立自主的国家。   u16.12.---What are you doing here?   ---Oh,my teacher asked me to write a passage about in English.   ---You can write a passage in English?   A)600 words,600-words B) 600-word,600-words   C) 600 words,600-word D) 600 words,600-words   18. the only thing ( C )can be done is to stop them from going there.   A. which B. what C. that D. who   唯一要完成的事就是阻止他们去那里。   U15.1 She likes the_


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