TEM4 Dictation标准答案及评分标准.doc

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TEM4 Dictation标准答案及评分标准

TEM4 2003 Dictation答案 Salmon Every year(,) millions of salmon swim form the ocean / into the mouths of rivers and then steadily up the rivers. / Passing through waters, around rocks and waterfalls, / the fish finally reach their original streams or lakes. / They dig out nests in the riverbed and lay their eggs. / Then(,) exhausted by their journey, the parent salmon die. / They have finished the task that nature has given them. / Months or years later(, )the young fish start their trip to the ocean. / They live in the salt water from two to seven years(,) / until they, too, are ready to swim back to reproduce. / Their life cycle helps man provide himself with a basic food—fish. / When the adult salmon gather at the river mouths for the annual trip up the rivers, / they are in the best possible condition, / and nearly every harbo(u)r has its salmon fishing fleet / ready to catch thousands for markets. / TEM4 2003 Dictation评分标准 听写共分15小节;每节1分,每节最多扣1分。 错误共分两类:小错误(每个扣0.25)和大错误(每个扣0.5);同一节内重复错误,仅扣一次。 总的原则是:语法为小,结构、意义为大 小错误指 单词拼写错一到两个字母,但并未成为一个新单词,例如(破折号左边为正确的,右边为错误的,以下同):steadily—staedily; harbour—habor 标点符号、大小写为小错;答案中括号内的逗号、字母可有可无,不扣分 冠词,规则变化的名词复数为小错,例如:parent—parents; mouths—mouth 大错误指 漏写、加词、造词、换词(均不含冠词),例如:mouth—moth; task—test; trip—trap; fleet—flea 动词的曲折变化、单复数变化,例如:have finished—finish(ed);die—died; has—have 批改要求: 小错划圈,大错用下划线 每小节写出得分,最后在右上角写出总得分 总得分只计整分,不四舍五入,但只得了0.5分或0.75的,按1分计总得分 说明:这是根据实际评卷情况和所发的评分标准另外打印的,仅供参考。 TEM4 2004 Dictation答案 Money Money is accepted across the world as payment for goods or services. / People use money to buy food, clothes and hundreds of other things. / In the past many different things were used as money. / People on Pacific island once exchanged shells for goods. / The Chinese used cloth and knives. / In Africa elephant tusks or salt were used. / Even today(,) some people in Africa are still paid in salt. / Coins were first invented by the Chinese. / Originally they were round pieces of metal with a hole in the center, / so that a piece o


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