物流网络选址Case Study -2 Location of Anadolu Efes company.docx

物流网络选址Case Study -2 Location of Anadolu Efes company.docx

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物流网络选址Case Study -2 Location of Anadolu Efes company

Case Study of Location, Distribution, and Capacity Expansion Decisions at AnadoluEfes1. IntroductionAnadoluEfes has dominated the Turkish beer marketin the last two decades as a result of careful planningand successful strategies in distribution, pricing andmarketing. Consequently, Efes has become synonymouswith beer in Turkey and has reached an impressive78% market share in 2000 (Exhibit 1). The companyhas also extended its business line by buying theright to bottle Coca-Cola in Turkey in 1998, and hasbeen transforming into a multinational identity bybuilding up international brewing operations mostlyin Eastern Europe, Russia and Central Asia. The twomain challenges faced by the company in the newmillennium are to succeed in its business diversificationefforts and to maintain its market position in itscore Turkish brewing business.EmreYaman, who was hired as the Chief ExecutiveOfficer of Efes nearly one year ago, has a couple ofmajor issues in mind as he shapes the business planof the company for the years to come. In terms of domesticoperations, an immediate issue is that the anticipatedincrease in beer demand will surpass Efes totalproduction capacity in a couple of years. A capacityexpansion plan has to be prepared carefully to addressthis problem. Such a plan will also prove useful todeter any foreign entries to the attractive Turkish beermarket. In fact, increasing competition is the othermajor issue in EmreYamans agenda. He has alreadyseen the first signs of pressure when Efes main competitorTurk Tuborg was acquired by the DanishCarlsberg Breweries in September 2001 and subsequentlylaunched the Carlsberg branded beer against Efesown Miller Genuine Draft. Although Emre knowsthat Efes long-time brand EfesPilsen has a veryloyal customer base, he believes that the strength ofEfes production-distribution network will play a keyrole in the competition.EmreYaman mentions some of his concerns to AliYurtoglu, the Vice President for Logistics and DefneKutay, the Vice P


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