unit_7 新编大学英语book1.doc

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unit_7 新编大学英语book1

BOOK I Unit 7 Emotions and Health Teaching Aims: In this unit students are required to : 1) get to know some useful information concerning the topic of the reading passages in this unit and to know more about English culture; 2) do some preparation activities such as discussion, group work, etc. to practice their spoken skill and communicative skills; 3) grasp some new words and try to use these words which help them to enrich their vocabulary; 4)read the in-class reading passage in a limited time and grasp some expressions and grammatical points in the in-class reading passage to improve their reading comprehension; 5) do some post-reading exercises and some after-class reading to practice what they have got to know in class to improve their English comprehensive skills.; 6) translate some typical sentences into Chinese or English by using some expressions learned in the reading passages to acquire some translating skills and better their translating abilities. I. Useful Information Ever since the time of Sigmund Freud, the founder of modern psychiatry, experts felt there was a strong relationship between emotions and health. Freud, a medical doctor, said that certain physical needs must be met to maintain mental health. These include physical safety, food, and, especially, sexual gratification. Some think that Freud overemphasized sex. He also said that a poor emotional adjustment such as a repressed conflict can cause psychosomatic illnesses. These are illnesses with real physical symptoms but no physical cause. II. Preparation On the Stage Directions: Work in groups to organize a mime production in which only body language and gestures are used to convey a particular emotion. For each performance, the other students are asked to guess the emotion expressed. Samples One can express one’s anger by: --- pulling a long face; --- stomping on the ground; --- getting red in the face; --- shouting or yelling; --- being ready to attack; --- clenching


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