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我的资料分三部分,第一部分学习一些交际用语,第二部分就是针对你打算求职设置的公司简介,求职,面试,礼仪等。第三部分就是基础英语。视频学习我没试过肯定是很有难度的,毕竟很多活动没法实施,你做好思想准备,真正学英语是要靠你自己,我只能充当给你指导方向的角色.先在你电脑上下一个有道词典,有一个取词功能你可以开启,方便你查词还有读音。 Teaching materials Part one Nuit one Greeting and introduction 语用范围 习惯用语 Greeting and responding to greeting Formal ways first meeting: How do you do? Glad/Pleased/ Nice to meeting you Informal ways at frist meeting Hello/Hi Ways of greeting between acquaintance(熟人) Hello/Hi/ Morning/Afternoon How are you?/how is everything going? Fine/ Not so bad/just fine/very well, thank you. And you? Introducing oneself May I introduce myself? My name is... I’d like to introduce myself. I’m... Good morning/Hello, my name is/I’m... Let me introduce myself. I’m... My name is...I’m here to see... I’m...I’ve arranged(安排) to see... Introducing other people Allow me to introduce my colleague(同事)... May I introduce(you to ) our manager... Mr. Smith, I’d like you to meet... Jane, this is peter. Mr. Green, have you met my friend Mr... Johne, do you know my friend stefen James,I don’t think you’ve met my friend Lisa. Asking for personal details Are you...? May I have/know your name,Please? How can you spell your name? Where are you from? Where do you come from? What’s your nationality(国籍)? What do you do?/ what’s your Job/occupation(职业)? Describing people What does he/she look like? How can I recognize Mr.Brown when I meet him at the airport? He is middle-aged (中年)man/in his late fifties/in his early twenties, quite tall/ very big/small/short/slim(苗条)/will-built(身材好的),wearing glasses/with shoulder length straight hair... Describing responsibilities(职责,义务) He’s in charge of /takes care of... I’m responsible for... I’m sales manager and it’s up to me to... He is a ...and he deals with... She reports to / is accountable to(对....负责)... I was transferred(调往)to... I was promoted to(被提升为)... Sunshine is beside me, and I will try my best make to my dream true Part two Company Str


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