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The Nature of Language and Linguistics Exercise 1.1: The Nature of Signs 1. Identify the following nonlinguistic signs as iconic, indexical, or symbolic, or as a combination of any two. (a) a wave of the hand (for goodbye) (b) a picture of a cigarette with a red circle around it and a diagonal slash through it (c) a road map (d) a stop sign (e) the footprints of an animal in the mud (f) a jack-o-lantern (g) thunder (h) the human figure depicted on the washroom door (i) skull and crossbones (as a sign for poison) (j) the smell of a skunk 2. All of the following linguistic signs (underlined), as well as being arbitrary, are in part either iconic or indexical. Say which they are. (a) The balloon rose higher and higher into the sky. (b) Here is your coat. (c) Do you want a fizzy drink? (d) This pan is big, but I need the biggest pan that you have. (e) The building was h-u-u-ge. (f) He sneered and snickered. (g) To the left is a picture by Michelangelo. (h) We were awakened by the cock-a-doodle-doo of the rooster. 3. Say whether the order of the clauses in each of the following is iconic or arbitrary. (a) (i) Close all of the windows before you go. (ii) Before you go, close all of the windows. (b) (i) Before I saw Helene, she had eaten lunch. (ii) Helene had eaten lunch before I saw her. The Nature of Language and Linguistics Exercise 1.2: Principles and Parameters 1.??Look at the following statements. Decide whether they represent principles (universal features of languages in general) or parameters (the differences in the syntax of specific languages)? (a) In statements, the subject precedes the verb. (b) There are question words that request information about?who,?what,?when, etc. (c) There exists a system for negation. (d) Questions are formed by inverting the subject and verb. (e) A sentence contains a subject, though it may not be overtly expressed. (f) Adjectives precede the noun that they modify. (g) The basic word order of a sentence is SuVO. (h) In statemen


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