托福语法基础 6.docx

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托福语法基础 6

托福语法基础 61. When ---in arctic regions, the Aleuts construct igloos as temporary winter shelters.(A) travel(B) to travel(C) traveling them(D) traveling2. Most substances contract when they freeze so that the density of a substance’s solid is ---of its liquid.(A) than the higher density(B) higher than the density(C) the density is higher than that(D) the higher the density3. The mechanism by which brain cells store memories is ---clearly understood.(A) none(B) no(C) not(D) nor4. Desert animals ---a means of retaining moisture in such a hot, dry climate if they are to survive.(A) need(B) needing(C) to need(D) was needed5. ---state of Wyoming is also known as the “Equality State” because Wyoming women were the first in the nation to vote.(A) The(B) There is a(C) That the(D) As the6. Fructose is a monosaccharide sugar that is much sweeter ---.(A) than cane sugar does(B) does cane sugar(C) cane sugar(D) than cane sugar7. Ground plans and contour maps of the Earth ---from aerial photographs.(A) can be drawn(B) can draw(C) to draw(D) drawn8. By the middle of the twentieth century, painters and sculptors in the United States had begun to exert ---over art.(A) influence worldwide a great(B) a great worldwide influence(C) influence a great worldwide(D) a worldwide influence9. ---millions of galaxies exist in the vast space outside the Milky Way.(A) It is estimated that(B) An estimate that(C) That is estimated(D) That the estimated10. The extent of the harmful effect of locoweeds on animals depends on the soil ---the plants grow.(A) which(B) which in(C) in which(D) in11. The operetta first ---as a popular form of musical theater in the nineteenth century.(A) to emerge(B) emerging(C) has emerged(D) emerged12. ---complex organic catalysts originating in living cells.(A) Enzymes(B) Enzymes are(C) Enzymes which are(D) Enzymes while they13. In the eastern part of New Jersey ---, a major shipping and manufacturing center.(A) lies the city of Elizabeth(B) the city of Elizabeth lies the


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