互助 交友篇 幸福 亲缘篇.doc

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互助 交友篇 幸福 亲缘篇

[互助·交友篇] Mutual Assistance -----on making friends 乐居群,归属性,相依托,互帮衬①; You should enjoy the company of your type, trusting and assisting each other; 独往来,难生存,得人助,先帮人②。 For you are unable to survive all alone. Help the others and they will help you in time. 人有难,帮解困,善体察,修德行③; Assist the people in trouble and your concern will cultivate your moral. 彼有隐,我亦同,不猎奇,互尊重④。 You should restrain from your curiosity and respect others’ privacy, For no one wants it to be exposed. 彼此交,贵在诚,严律己,宽待人⑤; You should be strict with yourself and generous to others, for invaluable is sincerity in your friendship with them. 己践行,情理中,人未果,谅其因⑥。 Your practice of the above-mentioned quality is what it should be, while the others’ failure to act accordingly may have excuses. 心相交,理自顺,存小异,求大同⑦; Befriending your soul’s mate is justified, And you should seek common grounds while reserving differences. 慎择友,重人品,不孝者,勿同行⑧。 Moral quality should be valued in your choosing of friends. And never keep company with the unfilial. [幸福·亲缘篇] Happiness ----on Kinship 父母在,福满贯,沐养育,泽加冠①; Blessed are those who enjoy the company of their parents, bathed in their love and care since childhood. 夫与妻,情亲连,互关爱,共百年②。 And longevity is bestowed upon them when they as husband or wife loved and cared for their partners, bound by both affection and relation. 子或女,步婚殿,孝四老,重如山③; As for their married children, heavy as the duty of tending them and their parents, the children themselves should still 勤问候,多惦念,竭力做,愧心免④。 show piety as filial as it can be lest the guilty gnaw their conscience. 同甘苦,共患难,互体谅,相扶搀⑤; All under the same roof should share weal and woe, understanding and supporting each other, 内和睦,外体面,会消费,用低碳⑥。 For domestic harmony spells decency for the household. And they should make both ends meet, and consume the low-carbon products. 求幸福,属自然,心快乐,身康健⑦; The pursuit of happiness in returning to nature shall promise joy and fitness for them. 拜金者,铜臭沾,戒为奴,超坦然⑧。 And they should be collected in face of money rather than degene


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