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欧盟美国珠宝首饰中镉含量,铅含量收紧的趋势EU and US restrict using of cadmium lead for jewelry 1.欧盟对珠宝首饰镉含量要求的提高EU restricts the use of cadmium for jewelry 2011年5月21日,欧盟委员会发布了(EU) 494/2011法规,修订了REACH法规附件17镉限制条例,对欧盟内的镉限制范围进行了修改,并发布于欧盟官方公报之上。 新法规扩大了镉限制使用的范围,包括珠宝首饰等。必威体育精装版修订的勘误表将于2011年12月10起生效。 European Commission published a new regulation (EU) 494/2011 on May 20th, to amend the cadmium limit in REACH Annex XVII. This new regulation specified the cadmium limit for jewelry, copper welding rod and all kinds of plastics. The latest corrigendum published will come into force from Dec 10th, 2011. 表I 产品类别或材质 Product or material 应用范围 Application scope 对镉的限值 Limit of Cadmium 珠宝首饰 Jewelry 用于制作珠宝首饰的金属柱子和其它金属部件 Metal beads and other metal components for jewelry making 珠宝首饰和防真珠宝制品和发饰的金属组件(即手镯、项链、指环、穿刺珠宝首饰、腕表、腕饰、发饰、胸针、袖扣) Metal parts of jewelry and imitation jewelry articles and hair accessories, (bracelets, necklaces and rings, piercing jewelry, wrist-watches and wrist-wear, brooches and cufflinks) ≤0.01% by weight ≤0.01% by weight 混合物与物品 Mixture and article 所有塑料 All kinds of plastics ≤0.01% by weight 油漆 Paint 有机基体或水基油漆 Solvent-and water based paints 锌含量超过10%的油漆For paints with a zinc content exceeding 10 % by weight 油漆涂层 the paint on the painted article ≤0.01% by weight ≤0.1% by weight ≤0.1% by weight 再生聚氯乙烯 Recovered PVC 含有再生聚氯乙烯的混合物和物品 Mixtures and articles containing recovered PVC ≤0.1% by weight 铜焊填充物 Brazing fillers -- ≤0.01% by weight 2. 全美儿童珠宝镉限令的步伐在逐渐加快The limit of cadmium for children products is becoming more strict in US 2011年11月1号,美国材料测试协会批准了ASTM F2933-11,“儿童珠宝安全标准”,该标准包含了严格的儿童金属及塑料珠宝中镉限量。测试标准与限量引用了美国消费品安全委员会关于儿童金属珠宝中镉迁移量的含量要求。新的ASTM标准同时强调了儿童珠宝中其它可能的危害,包括磁铁,电池,镍,油漆与基体中的铅,以及其它表层涂料中的重金属。 On November 1, 2011, ASTM International approved ASTM F2923-11, “Children’s Jewelry Safety Standard,” that includes strict cadmium limits in children’s metal and plastic jewelry. The test method and limits were adopted from the US Consumer Product Safety Commission’s (CPSC) migratable content limit


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