三上,U4L1This is my head.doc

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三上,U4L1This is my head

Unit 4 Body Lesson 1 This is my head. 一、Warm up T:I say, you do the actions with me! Head, head, nod your head.Nose , nose, touch your nose. Arm, arm, move your arm. Leg, leg, raise you leg. Hand, hand, clap your hand. Body, body, shake your body. T:You did very well. Just now we moved our bodies. Then, let’s learn Unit 4 Body Lesson 1 This is my head. 【设计意图】:跟老师做动作,活跃课堂气氛,让学生进入学习状态,并且这个活动用到的词汇都是和本课话题Body有关的,顺势可以导入新课。 二、Lead-in. T:What are these? Yes, they are distorting mirrors. They can distort anybody anything in front of them.(引导学生注意观察哈哈镜与其他普通镜子的不同。哈哈镜的平面是弯曲的,普通镜子的平面是平的。)This is our friend Jenny.Look, Jennys body is funny in the mirror. Now,watch carefully! Which part of body does Jenny introduce to us? 【设计意图】:充分利用课本插图来解读文本,引导学生看第一幅图片,通过观察学习词汇head. 三、Presentation T: Open your books ,turn to Page 26.Let’s watch the flash, then circle the parts of Jenny’s Body! 【设计意图】:通过第一幅图的引领,让学生再一次细读文本,加深对文本的理解,并且在课本中学习词汇 arm,leg, foot,注意指导学生发音,ar发长音,e,oo发音比较短促。 游戏复习head arm leg foot T: Now let’s play a game,look at me, It’s a nose(鼻子). 学习单词nose. Touch your nose. I say nose ,nose ,head! You should touch your head quickly! Then put your forefinger on your nose again, let’s start!做鼻子眼游戏,先找一个同学上前来做示范,然后全班一起做一做。【设计意图】:通过有趣的鼻子,眼儿游戏来巩固本课单词,为接下来的语言运用打下基础。 模仿录音,跟读课文。 T: OK, stop here, let’s follow the flash , try to imitate! 扮演Jenny , 指着自己相应的身体部位,复述课文。 四、Practice 1、T: (PPT)Now look at these animals.How lovely they are ! But they look very strange. They miss something. Can you help them? 火眼金睛,有一群小动物,找找看这些小动物都少了什么身体部位。 【设计意图】:火眼金睛是同学们喜爱的游戏类型之一,通过迅速找出小动物缺失的身体部位,可以锻炼学生的反应能力,复习巩固新授词汇,同时提高学生的学习兴趣。 2、Let’s chant! Head,head, head, this my head. Arm,arm, arm, this is my arm. Leg,leg, leg, this is my leg. Foot,foot, foot,this is my foot. 【设计意图】:简单易学,节奏感强的chant也是课堂上常用的教学手段之一,通过这个环节进行机械操练,加深对重点句型的掌握。 3、T: You can say the parts of your body very well. Now I want to play a game with you. 找一名学生上前来,指着他的身体用This is your …然后走到学生中间,让全班同学指着我的身体说一遍,两遍遍操练This is your …然后再找一名学生蒙上他眼睛,摸着老师的身体部位说This is your…老师


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