埃及王子台词 英汉双语版.docx

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埃及王子台词 英汉双语版

《埃及王子》双语剧本主要角色配音表:?摩 西: 官志宏Moses : VAL KILMER雷明斯: 徐敏Ramesses : PALPH FIENNES西玻拉: 孙若瑜 Tzipporah : MICHELLE PFEIFFER米利暗: 蒋笃慧   Miriam : SANDRA BULLOCK亚 伦: 孙中台Aaron : JEFF GOLDBLUM叶忒罗: 龙祥辉   Jethro : DANNY GLOVER西 台: 佟绍宗 Seti : PATRICK STEWART皇 后: 姜瑰瑾 The Queen : HELEN MIRREN何 泰: 孙德成Hotep : STEVE MARTIN胡 威: 刘明勋Huy : MARTIN SHORT?片名:埃及王子(The Prince of Egypt )? The motion picture you are about to see is an adaptation of the Exodus story.? While artistic and historical license has been taken, we believe that this film is true to the essence, values and integrity of a story that is a cornerstone of faith for millions of people worldwide.? The biblical story of Moses can be found in the book of Exodus.??[古埃及,希伯来奴隶们在建筑区劳作]?众奴隶:[唱]泥,沙,水,草。 (Mud, sand, water, straw. )监工:快点! (Faster! )众奴隶:[唱]用力拉,使劲拖,咬紧我的牙,拉。 (Mud and lift; sand and pull; water and raise up; straw. )监工:快一点! (Faster! )众奴隶:[唱]皮鞭里我的背血在流着, (With the sting of the whip on my shoulder; ) 忍着伤口汗水的刺痛, (With the salt of my sweat on my brow; ) 我的神是否还听见你的人民在这哀号,××××。 (Elohim, God on high, can You hear Your people cry; help us now, this dark hour. ) 引领我们,你的手,引领我们,带我走,拯救我们的身体和灵魂。 (Deliver us, hear our call, deliver us; Lord of all, remember us here in this burning sand. ) 引领我们,离开这水深火热,引领我们,到新的家园。 (Deliver us, theres a land you promised us; deliver us to the Promised Land. )?[城郊的希伯来奴隶的窟所里,约基别抱着婴儿看着窗外的士兵正在残杀希伯来人的婴儿]?约基别:[唱](Yal-di ha-tov veh ha-rach, Al ti-ra veh al tif-cha-d, ) 我想,这是我所能给你最后的一线生机, (My son, I have nothing I can give, but this chance that you may live, ) 祈祷能再见面。 (I pray well meet again, ) 神哪,请引领我们。 (If He will deliver us. )众奴隶:引领我们,祈祷神引领我们。 (Deliver us, hear our prayer, deliver us, from despair. ) 无法再忍受被奴役的残酷岁月。 (These years of slavery grow too cruel to stand. ) 引领我们,离开这水深火热,引领我们,自由的地界。 (Deliver us, theres a land You promised us; deliver us, out of bondage and ) 引领我们,到新的家园。 (Deliver us to the Promised Land. )?[约基别抱着婴儿,亚伦和米利暗尾随,母子四人来到河边]?约基别:[唱]静静地睡吧,别哭,我的爱, (Hush now my baby, be still, love, dont cry. ) 随河流摇摆而去。 (


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