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这是一篇有关传统采购和网购的时文,作者认为杂货店可能将无法再抵挡住网购的盛行。希望黄桃们认真阅读,具体做法是,首先学会快速理解每句话的大意,然后再细致分析每个句子,做到精读细分理解,从而认真掌握从句子中学单词,提高阅读理解能力。鉴于目前考试还是纸质型考试,所以我建议黄桃们如果喜欢的话,还是把这些时文打印出来在纸质上精读,有问题欢迎在此提问。这篇文章适合六级和考研阅读。 ? There is a huge difference between being late and being too late, said Dalton Philips, the boss of Morrisons, on November 21st, as he announced the launch of the British grocers online-shopping service.?莫里森公司的老总多尔塔·菲利普于11月21日宣布提供英国杂货店商网购服务,并且说道:迟了和太迟之间还是有很大差别。 ? Morrisons competitors have been selling broccoli and baby food via the internet for more than a decade. Britains fourth-largest grocery chain had shunned e-commerce as a profit-sapping distraction. 莫里森公司的竞争对手十多年一直在通过因特网销售花椰菜和婴幼儿食品。英国第四大百货连锁店一直将电子商务当做是其利润的瓜分者并避而远之。 ? It paid with falling market share and the defection of some of its best customers to Tesco, the countrys biggest grocer, and Ocado, an online-only supermarket. 其代价是不仅丢失了市场份额,也失去了它们最好的客户。这些客户转而投向英国最大的食品杂货商乐购公司和只做网上超市的Ocado公司。 ? Morrisons change of heart will be noticed beyond Britain. Grocery is the biggest category in retailing but the most resistant to the advance of online shopping. 莫里森公司的回心转意将会引起英国以及以外的关注。食品杂货是零售业中最大的一类,但也是最抵制网上购物发展的一类。 ? Even in Britain, where it has gone furthest, it may account for just 5% of sales this year. But it is growing fast everywhere. 即使是在英国,网上购物也已经发展很久了。可能会占到今年总销售额的5%。这种迅速发展的网购势头随处可见。 ? The Boston Consulting Group expects the global market to grow from 36 billion this year to 100 billion by 2018. Grocers have held back for good reasons. 波士顿咨询集团预计截止到2018年,全球的市场将会从今年的360亿美元增长到1000亿美元。杂货商放慢脚步是有原因的。 ? Like many bricks-and-mortar merchants they fret that online commerce will shrivel sales in stores but not the costs associated with them. Grocery, with its tiny profit margins, adds complications. 很多实体商铺的老板担心在线商务会其他们的销售额下降,但是却不会降低其相应的成本。作为收益颇微的食品杂货更使这一情况变得雪上加霜。 ? Virtual shopping-carts contain dozens of low-value items, which must be stored at different temperatures. 虚拟的购物车中包含着很多低价值的物品,这些物品都需要在不同温度的环境中储存。 ? Retailers can either get in-s


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