2016年高考英语复习题:课时13 完形填空文体技法2.doc

2016年高考英语复习题:课时13 完形填空文体技法2.doc

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2016年高考英语复习题:课时13 完形填空文体技法2

课时13 完形填空文体技法——夹叙夹议文 Ⅰ.完形填空文体技法演练 【精要提示】 近年来,夹叙夹议类文章在高考完形填空中出现的频率越来越高。此类文章题材较贴近考生生活实际,内容积极且有教育意义;结构清晰,脉络有序;以叙为主,叙议结合,叙述灵活,侧重语境。解答夹叙夹议类完形填空题时,思维要灵活,要随着记叙与议论的转换,及时调整思维方式。 (1)首尾遥相呼应,主题鲜明统一。 (2)行文逻辑推理,增强语篇意识。 (3)围绕主题,了解作者写作意图。 【微情景练】 试着根据“首尾呼应”的方法选出答案。 A (2014·江苏卷)Dale Carnegie rose from the unknown of a Missouri farm to international fame because he found a way to fill a universal human need. ……戴尔·卡耐基从密苏 …… Out of this early struggle to overcome his feelings of inferiority.Dale came to understand that the ability to __54__ an idea to an audience builds a persons confidence.And,55__ it,Dale knew he could do anything he wanted to do—and so could others. 54.A.express B.stress C.contribute D.repeat 55.A.besides B.beyond C.like D.with 试着根据“上下文逻辑关系”的方法选出答案。 B (2015·浙江四校仿真模拟)His family was poor.His Dad couldnt afford the __38__ at college,so Dale had to ride horseback 12 miles to attend classes.Study had to be done __39__ his farm-work routines.He withdrew from many school activities __40__ he didnt have the time or the __41__. 38.A.training B.board C.teaching D.equipment 39.A.between B.during C.over D.through 40.A.while B.when C.because D.though 41.A.permits B.interest C.talent D.clothes 试着根据“作者的写作意图”选出答案。 C (2015·杭州联谊学校第一次联考)She suggested that Dale join the debating team,believing that practice in speaking could give him the confidence and recognition that he needed. Dale took his mothers advice,tried desperately and after several attempts finally made it.This proved to be a __49__ point in his life.Speaking before groups did help him gain the __50__ he needed. 49.A.key B.breaking C.basic D.turning 50.A.progress B.experience C.competence D.confidence Ⅱ.能力提升练 A (2015·新课标全Where do you go when you want to learn something?School?A friend?A tutor?These are all__1__places of learning.But it may well be that the learning you really want__2__ somewhere else instead.I had the__3__of seeing this first hand on a__4____. My daughter plays on a recreational socc


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