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A06南通市2010届初中毕业、升学考试 (满分:120分考试时间:120分钟) 第1卷选择题(共60分) (本题共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1.I havenotebook and two pens in my hag. __________ notebook is for you. A. a;A B.the;The C.the;A D.a:The 2.They say there all many monkeys in this mountain.But I saw none of them last time was here. Hope we can see __________ today. Aanother B.others C.me D.any 3.Jean used to be crazycomputer games,but now she is intested __________ pop music and modern dance. A.about;in B.abouton C. of; in D. of; on 4.Do you know ________ the man is? —I hear he is much better these days. A.what B.how C.who D.where 5.Mrs Black is so kind that she isready to help people in need. Asometimes B.always C.never D.seldom 6.Did you borrow the comic book from the library? —Yes.Iit for three days.Ireturn it this afternoon. A. borrowed B.kept C.ve borrowed D.hae kept 7.Do the interesting story-books belong to _______? —No,they are the A. yours;twins’ B.you;twins C.you;twinsD. 8.There will be important test tomorrow morning.You be late. A.may not B.neednt. C.mustnt D.’t 9.How smart Mary is! Of all the students in her class,he usually spends the ________ time and makes the _________ mistakes in her homework. A.1east;fewest B.east;least C.fewest;least D.most;fewest .Daniel,you are not what I’m saying! What are you doing? A.hearing B. hearing about C.istening D.istening to l1.Mm! The fish tastes ______.Could I have some more? A.terrible B.wonderful C.terribly D.wnderfully 12.We think it is difficultwalk without team spirit. Afor;to finish B.of;to finish C.for;finishing D.of;finishing 13.Why not go out and have a picnic tomorrow, Simon? —_________,but I will help Li Ming with his lessons.He is new here A. Let’s go B.All right C.Yesplease D.Id love to 14.The exchang students will leave soon.We had better ask our monitor a farewell party. A.when will we h


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