美国演讲梦想 中英文版本.docx

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美国演讲梦想 中英文版本

1.我不知道你有什么样的梦想I dont know what dream is that you have?2.我不在乎你朝着梦想前进时曾遇到什么样的困难I dont care what kind of disappointment you may come across at your working towards thedream?3.那个你放在心上想了又想的梦想That dream you hold in your mind4. 它是有可能达成的?That is possible?5. 虽然你可能觉得?That somebody of you may already know?6. 它太困难了?That is hard 7. 它并不简单?It‘s not easy 8. 要改变你的生命很难?It’s hard to change your life?9. 为梦想打拼的过程中?In the process of working on your dreams 10. 你会遇上无数的打击?You are going to encounter, encounter a lot of disappointment 11. 无数的失败?A lot of failure 12. 无数的痛楚?A lot of pain13.你会有质疑自己的时候Your moment may be like that when you doubt yourself?14.会问上苍为何这就是我的命运Ask god ,why this destiny happen to me?15.我不过是想照顾我的小孩父母,又不是去偷去抢I just want to take care of my children, my mother, and not try to steal or rob anybody?16.为何这样的事会发生在我身Why such a thing could happen to me?17.曾经遇到过难处的人Those of you who have experienced much hardship?18.不要放弃你的梦想Dont give up your dream?19.艰难的日子会到来,但它们终将成为过往Difficult days would come, but they will eventually become a thing of the past?20.伟大的成就并非虚幻不切实际Great achievement is not illusory or impractical?21.并非像神一样只有卓越不凡的人才当得了And it is not only be get by god who got remarkable talent?22.它是真实的存在于我们每个人心中It is real exists in the heart of every one of us?23.重要的是你必须相信,你做得到It is important for you to believe that you are the one, and you can do it?24.大部分的人成家立业,日复一日然后老死Most people married, day after day and then die of old age?25.他们停止成长,停止锻炼自己,停止试图超越自己They stop growing, stop exercising, stop trying to pushing themselves?26.然后还有人很爱抱怨却不敢尝试改变现况Then there are those who love complaining but dont try to change and they do nothing?about the situation?27.多数人都不想为自己的梦想努力,为什么?Most people dont want to strive for your dreams, why??28.原因之一就是害怕失败,“万一事情不如预期怎么办”?One reason is the fear of failure, What if things are worse than expected to do??29.再来就是害怕成功,“万一成功后我没能力掌控怎么办”?Then is the fear of success, After the success, what if I dont have the ability to control how?to do??30.他们完全不想承担风险They completely dont w


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