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Discrimination Learning of Scratching, but Failure to Obtain Imitation and Self-recognition in a Long-tailed Macaque Abstract:A long-tailed macaque was trained to scratch when a model scratched, but failed to generalize scratching when model scratched new target areas. The results confirm that monkeys can control their rates of scratching, but may not be capable of true imitation. The subject also failed on a test of mirror self-recognition. Imitation and self-recognition appear to be related capacities,which may be absent in monkeys.Key Words: Imitation; Macaque; Mirror; Scratch; Self-recognition.The capacity for imitation of others bodily actions is reasonably viewed as a prerequisite for the development of self-awareness and awareness of anothers erspective(BALDWIN,1894/1903; GUILLAUME, 1926/1971; PIAGET, 1945/1962; MELTZOFF, 1990; MITCHELL, 1990,in press a; HART FEGLEY, in press). Recent theory (PARKER, 1991; MITCHELL, 1992, in press a) has explicitly tied the recognition of ones own body in a mirror to imitative apacities: mirror-self-recognition is observed in great apes, humans, and perhaps dolphins (GALLUP, 1970, 1985; LEWIS BROOKS-GUNN, 1979; ANDERSON, 1984a, b, in press;PATTERSON, 1990; PATTERSON ? COHN, in press; MARTEN PSARAKOS, in press), and imitation of anothers actions s largely restricted to these species (MITCHELL, 1987;VISALBERGHI FRAGASZY, 1990; WHITEN HAM, 1992). Among humans, those who have difficulty with imitation (e.g. some autistic children) also generally fail to mirror-selfrecognize (MITCHELL, in press a), and propensities for imitation of others actions and mirror-self-recognition are not always present in all members of a species (VISALBERGHI FRAGASZY, 1990; SWARTZ EVANS, 1991; MITCHELL, in press a). According to one theory, bodily imitation and mirror-self-recognition go together because both are dependent upon kinesthetic-visual matching (MITCHELL, 1992, in press a). With kinesthetic-visual matching, the organism recognizes th


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