Employee Job Performance Review Form 员工绩效考核.docx

Employee Job Performance Review Form 员工绩效考核.docx

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Employee Job Performance Review Form 员工绩效考核

EMPLOYEE JOB PERFORMANCE REVIEW员工绩效考核Employee Information 员工信息Employee Name:员工姓名Employee ID:员工IDJob Title:职位Department:部门Location:地点Manager:上级Review Information 考核信息Review Period:考核时段Date of Review:考核日期Next Review:下次考核Review Guidelines 考核指南At least one week prior to this review, notify employee of the review, and assign the employee a self-review as well as an employee peer review if applicable. 应至少提前一周通知员工考核,并分发给员工一份自我评估,以及员工同事评估(如适用)All goals should be reasonable and specific.所有的目标都应该合理明确。Goals 目标Briefly describe the goals of the employee. Were the goals achieved? If not, then why not?简要描述一下员工的目标有哪些,是否都达成了?如果没有,原因是什么?Goal #1:目标 #1Type your goal here在此处写下你的目标Type your expected outcome here在此处写下你的预期结果Goal #2: 目标 #2Type your goal here在此处写下你的目标Type your expected outcome here在此处写下你的预期结果Goal #3:目标 #3Type your goal here在此处写下你的目标Type your expected outcome here在此处写下你的预期结果Evaluation 评估This Employee Job Performance Review has been completed using the following scale:此份员工绩效考核已按照以下范围填写完成。NA = Not Applicable 不适用1 = Unsatisfactory 不满意2 = Marginal 仅达标3 = Meets Requirements 符合要求4 = Exceeds Requirements 胜过要求5 = Exceptional 超常表现(5) = Exceptional 超常表现(4) = Exceeds Requirements胜过要求(3) = MeetsRequirements符合要求(2) = Marginal 仅达标(1) = Unsatisfactory 不满意 Demonstrates Required Job Skills and Knowledge 具有必需的工作技能和知识Has The Ability To Learn and Use New Skills 有学习和运用新技能的能力Uses Resources Available In An Effective Manner 有效地利用可用资源Responds Effectively To Assigned Responsibilities 高效的响应所分配的职责Meets Attendance Requirements 符合出勤要求Listens To Direction From Management 听从管理层的指示Takes Responsibility For Actions 对所作行动负责 Honors Commitments 遵守承诺Demonstrates Problem Solving Skills 展现出解决问题的能力Offers Constructive Suggestions For Improvements 提出建设性意见作出提高Generates Creative Ideas And Solutions 提出创造性的主意和办法Meets Challenges Head On 解决迎面而来的挑战Demonstrates Innovative Thinking展现创新思维Work Quality 工作质量Comments:注解Attendance / Punctuality 出勤/准时性Comments:注解Initiative 主动性Comments:注解Communication / Listening Skill


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