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2008-2012年福建省单选集合—代词考查篇 (08厦门)—May I borrow your dictionary, Jim? —Oh, sorry. It isnt_________. A. his B. hers C. mine (08泉州)—Mr. Chen is good at dancing. Who taught him? —No one. He learnt it by _________. A. he B. his C. himself (08泉州)—Is there _________ in todays newspaper? —Yes. Its raining heavily in the south of China. A. anything new B. new something C. new anything (08漳州)—His French is perfect. Who taught_________? —His mother. A. he B. him C. his D. her (08莆田)—Do you like the pop singer Zhou Jielun or the movie star Liu Dehua? — .______. I am not their fan. A. Both B. Neither C. Either (08宁德)—These pictures are not his. Theyre _________. I drew them by myself just now. A. my B. mine C. yours (08龙岩)Miss Li is our English teacher. _________teaches English very well. A. Her B. She C. Hers (08三明)A headache is not a disease, but it shows that _________ in your body is wrong. A. anything B. something C. everything (09福州)---Excuse me, are these books ________? ---No, they are ________ classmate’s. A. his; he B. hers; hers C. your; mine D. yours; my (09晋江) –Is this your e-dictionary? --No, ______ is in the schoolbag. A. mine B. yours C. my (09南平)一Please help to some drink, kids. 一Thank you. A. ourselves B. yourself C. yourselves (09宁德)Mary fell off bike and hurt herself badly yesterday. A. her B. she C. hers (09莆田)一Im Sony for breaking your pen. 一Never mind. I have one. A. another B. other C. others (09泉州) 一Are these keys yours, Lucy? ―Yes, theyre . A. me B. mine C. my (09三明)―Whose guitar is this? 一Its . My uncle bought it for my birthday. A. mine B. his C. hers (09漳州)―Betty, help to some soup. 一Thanks a lot. A. you


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