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unit1.school1.Some?people?believe?that?students?work?better?if?the?teacher?is?strict;?others?think?it?is much better for students if the teacher has a friendly approach. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples you’re your knowledge and experience.2.Conventional education VS. modern education 3. Find out some quotes or proverbs about education. Read them through and pick out your own favorite, and tell what it reveals about education. 1. Those in favor of a strict teacher believe that children should fear their teachers, this being the only way in which they would study hard and behave themselves. /only a strict educator can better help students distinguish what is right and what is wrong in a moral sense. /There?is nothing?wrong?about?the?teacher?being?a?disciplinarian,?always?keeping?students?on their toes and calling attention to mistakes or carelessness on the part of the immature minds. /Of course, this does not mean the poker-faced teacher would never smile until Christmas.One argument is that a friendly teacher is a better one for being a combination of the guidance of an educator and the understanding of a friend. /It is argued that an otherwise introverted students react positively in the companionship of a friendly teacher. / If the teacher develops warm relationships with students, they will respect a teacher for the qualities he/she has.unit2.music1. the importance of music2. Music is important, then, what are the functions/benefits of listening to music? Can listening to music can make people smart? How can it be proved?3. What are the similarities and differences between music and language?1. Music can change the world?because it can change people. / Music gives a soul to the universe,?wings to the mind,?flight to the imagination,?and life to everything.?~ Plato ~ / Music allows people to experience the same emotions.?People everywhere are the same in heart and spirit. No matter what language we speak, what color we are,?the for


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